[net.sf-lovers] Heinlein's Works

ddw@cornell.UUCP (06/26/83)

From: ddw (David Wright)
To: net-sf-lovers

What is this with people and "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?"  The book is
far from Heinlein's best and has major flaws (for a more thorough discussion
than I am prepared to give here, see A. Panshin's discussion of TMiaHM
in \his/ book, "Heinlein in Dimension").  I am not really interested in
starting a debate about which RAH book is the best or worst (nobody is ever
persuaded by these things anyway), but I have been appalled that so many
people consider this second-rate work one of Heinlein's best, ignoring some
of the really good ones like "Beyond this Horizon" or "Have Space Suit, Will
Travel" or "Red Planet."

                                 David Wright
