[comp.lang.c] Follow Up: C Pronounciation Guide

bcx@well.UUCP (Bryan Costales) (09/09/87)

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                Guide To Pronounciation In C
Thanks to the many kind people who replied to my first posting,
I now have a better understanding of the many ways C objects
are pronounced throughout the world. What follows is a colation
of that feedback. I expect that I am still wrong or incomplete
in several areas, so please pick away.
Operators And Special Characters
 +       "plus"
 ++      "plus plus"
 -       "minus"
 --      "minus minus"
 +=      "plus equals"
 -=      "minus equals"
 *       "times"                               Multiplication
 *       "star"                                Pointer
 *x      "star x" or "x referenced"
 *=      "times equals"
 &x      "address of x", "ampersand x", "x dereferenced"
 &&      "and and" or "and"                    Logical
 &       "bitwise and", "anded with", "and"    Bitwise
 &=      "and equals" or "anded with equals"
 /       "over" or "divided by"                Division
 /=      "slash equals" or "divided equals"
 /*      "slash star"                          Comment
 */      "star slash"                          Comment
 %       "percent"                             In printf(), et al.
 %       "remainder", "mod", "modulus"         Last is K&R
 %=      "mod equals" or "percent equals"
 !       "not"
 !=      "is not equal to" or "not equal"
 =       "equals", "gets", "assigned to"
 ==      "equal equal", "equals", "equal to"
 >       "greater than", "greater"
 <       "less than" or "lesser"
 >=      "greater than or equal" or "greater equal"
 <=      "less than or equal" or "lesser equal"
 >>      "right shift" or "right shifted"
 <<      "left shift" or "left shifted"
 #       "pound"       American
 #       "hash"        British
 #       "sharp"       From music  (beginner mistake)
 #       "number"
 "       "quote", "full quote", "double quotation mark"
 '       "apostrophe", "single quote", "tick"
 `       "reverse quote" or "agrave"
 |       "bitwise or", "ored with", "or"
 |=      "or equals" or "ored with equals"
 ||      "or or" or "or"
 ~       "tilde", "twiddle", "compliment"
 ^       "exclusive or", "ex or", "carat"
 ^=      "exclusive or equals" or "ex or equal"
 :       "colon"
 ;       "semicolon"
 ,       "comma"
 @       "at"            As in SCCS
 _       "underscore" or "underbar"
 \       "backslash"
 \n      "backslash n" or "newline"
 \r      "backslash r" or "carriage return" or "return"
 \t      "backslash t" or "tab"
 \b      "backslash b" or "backspace"
 \f      "backslash f" or "formfeed"
 \a      "backslash a" or "alarm" or "bell"
 \012    "backslash zero one two" or "octal one two"
 \xff    "backslash x f f" or "hex f f"
 .       "dot"                               Struct/Union
 .       "point" or "dot"                    Numeric as 1.5
 ->      "points at", "pointing at", "at"
 ->      "points to", "pointing to", "to"
 ->      "arrow"
 x?y:z   "x question mark y colon z" or "if x then y else z"
 (       "left paren" or "open paren"
 )       "right paren" or "close paren"
 {       "left curly brace" or "open curly brace"
 }       "right curly brace" or "close curly brace"
 [       "left square bracket" or "open square bracket"
 ]       "right square bracket" or "close square bracket"
 x[i]    "the i'th element of x"
 x[i]    "x sub i" or "x subscripted by i"
 <       "left angle brace" or "open angle brace"    As <stdio.h>
 >       "right angle brace" or "close angle brace"
Library Function Names
printf()   "print f"
sprintf()  "s print f" or "sprint f"
gets()     "get s" or "gets"
puts()     "put s", "puts", "putz"
strcmp()   "stir comp", "string compare"
isupper()  "is upper"
strchr     "stir char" or "s t r c h r"
char       "Char"acter or "Char"coal
typedef    "Type def" as "Def"inite not "Def"ile
goto       "go to" Not "got o"
sizeof     "size of"
enum       "enum"erate or "enum"ber

Bryan Costales