[net.sf-lovers] Movies and the computer hacker

ron%brl-bmd@sri-unix.UUCP (06/30/83)

From:      Ron Natalie <ron@brl-bmd>

I had low expectations of WAR GAMES.  I was expecting a movie
that it would be fun forb our group of computer hackers to go to and make
snide comments all the way through (anyone remember "Meteor"?). 
Pretty much what happened.  It's interesting, but the taste of
the computer hacker is kind of different for movies.  Most of
us were spellbound by TRON and had a lot of lines/situations
that we found incredibly funny that no one else in the theatre
was laughing at.

What's your favorite SF cult film?  Darkstar has some interesting
implications to those of us working with Smart Munitions.
My favorite has to be "The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" however.

		Oh my god!  It's Adolf Hitler...

myers@uwvax.UUCP (07/03/83)

Just saw Dark Star (which the original article mentions) last nite;
The ending, where the "smart bomb" is introduced to Kantian epistemology
is really hilarious, especially if you're an AI type.

"Hello, Bomb????"

Still rolling, Jeff myers@uwvax