[comp.lang.c] Call for Amiga 'C' Articles

carboy@hubcap.UUCP (Carol F Boyer) (01/11/88)

      |                    CALL FOR AMIGA 'C' ARTICLES                   |

       *******************  DO NOT REPLY VIA THE NET  *******************

To AmigaPhiles Who Might Be Interested:

   I am currently under contract to a publisher to put together a book on
programming in C on the Amiga 500/1000/2000. The title is:

                      Inside Amiga C: A Programmer's Guide

The book will cover Amiga Structures, Programming under Intuition, Using
& Writing Libraries, Interfacing to AmigaDOS, and the IFF Standards. 
I am an experienced C programmer as well as a registered C/A Commercial
Developer, but I tend to be a generalist. I feel that a book composed of
contributions by specialists in various aspects of Amiga programming would
have more depth and make a more useful programmer's guide. 

Since the $50 for each completed chapter will be divided among the
contributors, obviously you won't be doing this for the money! However,
contributing authors will be listed at the beginning of each chapter.

The following author guidelines apply:

(1) You MUST send me the following statement, SIGNED & DATED, at the end
    of your printed article...

    I hereby release all copyright and other associated rights to the
    above article, of which I am the sole owner, to Thomas H. Boyer,
    79 Palmetto Ave., Newry, SC, 29665. Should any legal action occur
    related to infringement of rights for the text, graphics, or code in
    this article, I will assume full legal and financial responsibility.

(2) ************  AGAIN, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA THE NET  *************

    Send your articles via US Snail mail to:

    Tom Boyer
    79 Palmetto Ave.
    Newry, SC  29665

    Phone: (803) 882-3602      Collect calls NOT accepted!

    An Amiga disk would be greatly appreciated for a long (>5 pages)
    article/source contribution!

(3) The article should fit into the book chapter outline below.

(4) If all or part of your article is used, I will send you a letter of
    acknowledgement, a check for your chapter share, and a copy of the book
    AND/OR the source disk, depending on the number of contributors.

Thanks for your input in advance...                          Tom Boyer

                             |                     |
                             |        // Amiga     |
                             |    \\//   Lives     |
                             |                     |

                 Inside Amiga C - A Programmer's Guide - Outline

   I. Review of the C Language
      A brief dicussion of the high points of the C programming language
      with SIMPLE Amiga code examples.

      A. The C-Language Standard: Kernighan & Ritchie
      B. Style Conventions Used in this Book
      C. All About C
      E. Stream-Oriented Disk I/O
      F. Compiler directives (using the # symbol)

  II. Getting Started
      A simple program under Intuition (Workbench), incorporating use of
      menus, requesters, gadgets, and some of the WCS kernal functions.
      I thought that a CLI shell like DU-VI or CLImate might be good here.

      A. Understanding AmigaDOS
      B. AmigaDOS Commands
      B. C-Compilers Used in the Book
         1) Aztec C68K v3.40a
         2) Lattice C v4.0
         3) Others
      C. Setting Up a Development Disk
      D. Intuition Terminology
      E. Programming by Example: A Simple Menu-Driven Window

 III. Amiga Structures
      Using the #include files; what they contain - a DETAILED summary;

      A. Standard Library #includes
      B. /include/clib
      C. /include/devices
      D. /include/exec
      E. /include/graphics
      F. /include/hardware
      G. /include/intuition
      H. /include/resources
      I. /include/libraries
      J. /include/workbench
      K. Amiga multitasking via shared structures (messages & ports)

  IV. Using Your INTUITION
      All about INTUITION in less words than the C/A manual

      A. C/A Suggested Style Standards
      B. Windows in more detail
      C. Gadgets
      D. Requesters

   V. Libraries & the ROM Kernel

      A. Libraries Supplied with Workbench
      B. Creating & Using a SIMPLE Library

  VI. Understanding IFF
      A discussion of the standards and how they should be implemented.

      A. Using IFF in General
      A. Text
      B. Graphics
      C. Music
      D. Speech
      E. Others

 VII. Interfacing to AmigaDOS

      A discussion of AmigaDOS functions, including the differences
      between Intuition file handles and DOS file handles (i.e BCPL vs C)!
      Several DOS functions should be used to do a Directory Utility
      with built-in menus.

VIII. Choosing a Console Window - CON: vs RAW:

      The merits of both DOS window formats are discussed.

  IX. Function Libraries - A Descriptive Summary

      A. Lattice Standard Library
      B. Aztec Standard Library
      C. Amiga Kernel Library
      D. AmigaDOS Functions
      E. Other Peoples' Tool Sets

   X. Appendices

      A. Programmer's Tools
         1) Compilers
         2) Utilities
            a) Amiga Lint
            b) AmigaDOS EXPRESS
            c) Aztec File Transfer Utility XFER
            d) Lattice Make
            e) Lattice Text Management
            f) Lattice Screen Editor
            g) Lattice Panel
            h) Any other pet utilities you have
         3) Function Libraries
         4) Design Tools
            a) PowerWindows v.2.0 (does anything else compare?)
      B. Amiga RAW Keycodes and Qualifiers
         A listing of all keycodes and qualifiers used in v.1.2
      C. Code Listings in the Text Summarized (an order card
         for a disk with source, object, and compiled versions
         will be included at the end of the book. All contributors
         will get a gratis copy.)