[net.sf-lovers] Peter Davidson as Dr. Who

wex@ittvax.UUCP (Alan Wexelblat) (07/14/83)


I'm sorry -- it's probably not his fault, but GAWD, these new ones are awful!
Why?  Well, for one thing, it's obvious that none of the script writers 
ever saw any of the previous Doc Whos (either that or they've all had
frontal lobotomies).   The first PD episode (which was first shown in the US
at Balticon) I saw had him introduce himself as "Who.  Dr Who."

I almost lost my lunch right then and there!  To compound the fraud, he was
wearing this cornball off-white trenchcoat with question-marks on the ends
of the collar!  

The "plot" (and I use the word loosely) of this episode had the Tardis being
pulled backward through time toward the 'first event,' ie the Big Bang.  But
the Tardis was "in danger of destruction" from "an inrush of hydrogen."  Now
as we all know, when the Tardis moves through time, it is de-materialised,
and cannot be affected by physical things.  This somehow eluded the scripters,

After forcing myself to sit through the half-hour at Balticon, I swore never
to watch another PD episode.  However, last weekend, I went back on my word,
and boy was I sorry!  For lack of better wisdom, I spent a half-hour watching
part of another PD story (I refuse to call these things Dr. Who episodes).

The plot was non-existant, and although he had gotten rid of that stupid coat,
he was carrying along three really gorky sidekicks, who ended up getting more
air time than PD did.  Which is probably just as well, considering that the
PD version of Who has NO personality whatsoever.  No witty repartee.  No
clever/crazy ideas.  No suave assuredness.  AND HE APOLOGIZES.  Davros would
die laughing!  

Suffice it to say, it makes me ill just to watch it.  Oh, and lest I forget,
they've changed the theme music, and the new version sucks teabags.

--Alan Wexelblat

(Doc: Well, there's you, you, you, you, and me. That makes five, so I'll go
Romana: But why?
Doc: Because they're all unconscious, and because I'm *very* dangerous when I
     don't know what I'm doing.)

mauney@ncsu.UUCP (07/15/83)

References: ittvax.846

It's hard to understand why Alan Wexelblat is so violently opposed
to Peter Davison's characterization of the Doctor.  If you think
Davison is dull, have you seen John Pertwee?  Why is an enormous
scarf more acceptable attire than a cricket outfit?  That shirt
with the question marks was also worn by Tom Baker,  and the three
"really gorky" companions were all picked up by Tom Baker.  Two of
them were interesting characters.  And if you think the series is
consistent from story to story,  you haven't been paying attention.

Two half-hour segments is not a reliable sample.  The show is rather
uneven (always has been),  and it takes a while to forget the old
Doctor and get used to the new.  Tom Baker may or may not have been the
best Doctor ever,  but give Davison a chance before condemning him.

                  Jon Mauney
		  North Carolina State University
