[comp.lang.c] Microsoft C compiler -- memory usage

chang@premise.ZONE1.COM (John Chang) (04/07/88)

Does anyone know what the MSC compiler (ver 5.0) uses the near and far
heaps for?  

The problem: 
	I'm getting "Out of near heap space" and "Out of far heap
space" errors during my compiles.  My individual source files are not
that big (max 25 K), although I do run nested makes, and have one large
include file in just about every file (Microsoft Window's windows.h).
I'm using ndmake 5.0; Microsoft's make just doesn't make it :-)

My environment:
	I have 640 K in a 386, but only 470K after network drivers and
TSR's are loaded.  I have lots of extra memory, but it isn't being
used by the compiler.  386-to-the-max can move the TSR's out, but the
overhead of the program is nearly equal to the savings in memory.  The
network driver eat up ~100K, and can't be moved out of lower memory.
Also, 386-to-the-max conflicts with other 386 programs like Windows
386, or the Compaq memory cache, or some of the new debuggers that
relocate themselves in extended memory.

Some observations:
	It seems the near heap is used for a symbol table, and parse tree,
since I can lessen the 'near heap space' problem by hand copying
declarations from include files, and writing shorter expressions.

I can increase the far heap size by removing my network drivers, but
I'd like to find a more elegant solution than rebooting every time I
get the error.  Also, the problem is flaky: sometimes I can rerun my make,
and get the compiler to accept a file it just rejected.

	Perhaps using 'appropriate' values of stack size with exemod would be
the answer??  I realize that I'm asking about tweaking the compiler
so that I can squeeze just a little more memory out of it.  But I'd also
like to know what I can do to the source or to my environment to minimize
my inconvenience.

Don't suggest that I switch compilers to brand X, unless that brand supports
Windows.  When is MS coming out with a compiler that uses extended/expanded
memory?  Does the OS/2 development environment have such a tool already?