Richard Neitzel (07/10/88)
Here at NCAR we are currently using the Alcyon C compiler under Versados. Unfortunately, there are some difficult problems that I need help solving and Alcyon has been of little help. Therefore, I am looking for other Alcyon users who might have encountered these problems and hopefully solved them. 1> In order to write anything to a file, you must follow it with a newline. (Real close adherence to the standard :-)). 2> When writing to a file in binary mode, 9s become hex 83. This happens consistently. 3> Aside from problems 1 and 2, I can write to a file in binary mode, but I cannot read the file back in any useable form. First, it seems that records must be deblocked, since the newline placed in during the write in put in the buffer. However, the deblocking has little effect, since the data is useless. It seems that when a byte value is greater then hex 7f, it is magically assumed that you wanted ASCII, so this cannot be right and the value is returned as hex 20 instead. No method of reading the file does anything different. If anyone has encountered and solved (or failed) these problems, I would appreciate hearing from them. The only ray of sunshine is that in a short time we will be switching to Suns and VRTX, for a whole set of problems. Richard Neitzel National Center for Atmospheric Research 303-497-2057 P.S. Please reply directly via Email, as I don't usually read this newsgroup! Thanks!