[net.sf-lovers] #3, SCA Heralds

BUTLER@MIT-DMS@sri-unix.UUCP (08/03/83)

I  believe that the SCA has fighting and non-fighting members, and that
non-fighting members are usually Heralds, or Pages, or something like
that. Unless the SCA has special rules concerning persons 12 and 13, as
regards combat (i.e., a special sub-class of fighting personnel for 
adolescents), a 12 year-old would probably be a Herald until old enough
for the Society to allow him or her to change his status and join the
ranks of the bruised and bedraggled freemen. Perhaps Jim.Washburn@
cmu-cs-cad could be of help, since he is a member of the SCA.

berry@zinfandel.UUCP (08/12/83)

zinfandel!berry    Aug  9 14:25:00 1983

It is true, in the SCA no-one HAS to fight.  Non-fighters cannot
become knights, or become King, but they can achieve just about 
anything else within the SCA.  

As for youngsters, there are many jobs to be done at a tourney that
teen-agers can handle.  Find someone doing something interesting and
say "Can I help?".  Possibilities include assisting the heralds in
running the Lists, running errands for the Autocrat, fetching entries
(and entrants) for various competitions, watching the REALLY young
people, and myriad other things.  There's lots of fun for all, lest this
sound too much like work.

Incidentally, the College of Heralds has a formal heirarchical structure
through which one rises by skill, knowledge and you superiors burning out.
I know, I was Sea-Wolf Herald for the Principality of the Mists (San
Francisco Bay Area) before I burned out on the political head-games you'll
find in any organization bigger than 3 people.

--Lord Nikolaj Zrogowacialy, OLM, OTD, POG
  Berry Kercheval, BS
  Zehntel Inc.