[comp.lang.c] 2222 Dwight Way

cowan@marob.MASA.COM (John Cowan) (05/25/89)

In article <4256@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>(Quick Question, what's at 2222 Dwight Way?)

It's the address of the kid Professor Wolfe saves in Anthony Boucher's
story "The Compleat Werewolf", reprinted in the collection of the same
name.  The kid is about three, and so the address comes out
"too-too-too-too die way", which Wolfe first thinks is a reference to
the sound of a train "dying away".
John Cowan <cowan@marob.masa.com> or <cowan@magpie.masa.com>
UUCP mailers:  ...!uunet!hombre!{marob,magpie}!cowan
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Aiya elenion ancalima!