[net.sf-lovers] SF & F Book Survey

Caro.PA@PARC-MAXC.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (08/23/83)

))) Moderator's Intervention Requested!! (((
))) ** For the moderator's eyes only ** (((
** If there have been too many surveys requested through SF-LOVERS
recently, or if someone has already done this survey, or if you feel
that it is inappropriate in any way for me to make a request like this
via the digest, please delete this message and send me a note telling me
that it has been deleted (so that I at least know that it was received,
but rejected.)  If this request is within the bounds of proper SF-LOVERS
and network ettiquette, then please place the following in the digest

I'm interested in compiling a list of the best Science Fiction and
Fantasy novels OF A PARTICULAR TYPE.  The type of novels I'm interested
in are those novels that you, the SF-LOVERS of America, feel are novels
of Great Literary Merit.  This is not a simple
Vote-For-Your-Favorite-Novel-Of-All-Time.  I would like to know what
everyone considers a work of literary art in the SF & F genres.

Some examples might be:
"The Left Hand of Darkness", U.K. LeGuin
"The Man in the High Castle," P. Dick
"The King of Elfland's Daughter," Lord Dunsany.

The question to be answered:  Are there any Tolstoys in SFdom?

Send me a simple list of those novels that you think fit this criteria.
You may rank them if you wish.  I will compile the entries, rank them by
number of votes, and send the results to SF-LOVERS.

Deadline for submission of replies will be September 1, 1983.

Thanks Pre Facto,

Commodore Perry