[comp.lang.c] Mandlebrot set

themod@blake.acs.washington.edu (Chris Hinton) (06/22/89)

  Hello to all you netters out there, maybe one of you can help me.  I am
in search of a function that, given a point in the complex plane, will return
the number of iterations it takes to determine if the given point is in the
Mandlebrot (sp?) set. 
  Put more simply, I would call the function in this way :

		s = function(real,imag);
	s is the number of iterations
	real is the real part of the complex number
	imag is the imaginary part of the complex number.

  Any help is greatly appreciated.

+ Chris Hinton (aka The Mod)      | The veiws presented in the above posting |
+ Mod Software Systems            | are my own, and should not be take as    |
+ (206)547-1342                   | those of the University of Wasington.    |
+                                 | These ideas are available for sale or    |
+ themod@blake.acs.washington.edu | rent at a reasonable price.              |

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) (06/22/89)

In article <2492@blake.acs.washington.edu> themod@blake.acs.washington.edu (Chris Hinton) writes:
>I am in search of a function that, given a point in the complex plane, will
>return the number of iterations it takes to determine if the given point is
>in the Mandlebrot (sp?) set. 

Not asking much, are you?
A solution to this would probably qualify you for the Fields medal.

A more practical requirement would be:  Given coordinates of a point in the
complex plane and an iteration count limit, determine whether the iterative
Mandelbrot computation (z <- z^2+c starting with z=0) produces a z with
norm > 2 within the iteration limit.

mpl@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (michael.p.lindner) (06/23/89)

In article <2492@blake.acs.washington.edu>, themod@blake.acs.washington.edu (Chris Hinton) writes:
>   Hello to all you netters out there, maybe one of you can help me.  I am
> in search of a function that, given a point in the complex plane, will return
> the number of iterations it takes to determine if the given point is in the
> Mandlebrot (sp?) set. 
>   Put more simply, I would call the function in this way :
> 		s = function(real,imag);
> + Chris Hinton (aka The Mod)      | The veiws presented in the above posting |

Well, the number of iterations may be infinite, so if you wrote a function
like the one you describe, it might never terminate.  In general, one
specifies a maximum number of iterations to try, after which one assumes
the point is in the Mandelbrot (sp!) set.  In addition, your function as
defined does not say whether or not the point is actually in the set.  So,
I give you the following, which returns the number of iterations after which
it is known the point is NOT in the set (if the value ever goes outside
a circle of radius 2 it is not in the set).  If the function returns MAX_ITER,
the maximum number of iterations to try, assume the point is in the set.

func(real, imag)
double real, imag;
	int	n;
	double newreal, newimag, re2, im2;

	for (n = 0; n < MAX_ITER; n++) {
		if ((re2 = real * real) + (im2 = imag * imag) > 4.0)
			break;	/* point is not in Mandelbrot set */
		/* Xn+1 = Xn^2 + Xn */
		newreal = re2 - im2 + real;
		newimag = 2.0 * real * imag + imag;
		if (newreal == real && newimag == imag) {
			n = MAX_ITER;
	return n;

For a good discussion of the Mandelbrot set, see the January 1989 Scientific
American, or read "Chaos: Making a New Science" by James Gleick, published
by Penguin Books.

Mike Lindner
AT&T Bell Laboratories
190 River Rd.
Summit, NJ 07901

burkie@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (06/26/89)

>func(real, imag)
>double real, imag;
>	int	n;
>	double newreal, newimag, re2, im2;
>	for (n = 0; n < MAX_ITER; n++) {
>	 	if ((re2 = real * real) + (im2 = imag * imag) > 4.0)
>			break;	/* point is not in Mandelbrot set */
>		/* Xn+1 = Xn^2 + Xn */
>		newreal = re2 - im2 + real;
>		newimag = 2.0 * real * imag + imag;
>		if (newreal == real && newimag == imag) {
>			n = MAX_ITER;
>			break;
>		}
>	}
>	return n;
I think there is something missing in the above code.

The general algorithm is:
given complex number: c 
z = 0 
{ do (z = z ^ 2 + c) until |z| > 2 }    <---	 don't check beyond MAX_ITER
						iterations; assume beyond
						MAX_ITER is for all practical 
						purposes 'stuck forever'
return the number of iterations it took for |z| to exceed 2
and if never exceeded 2 during the MAX_ITER iterations that we tried then 
return MAX_ITER
func(c_real, c_imag)
double c_real, c_imag;			/* c = (c_real + i*c_imag) */
	int	n;			/* iteration count */
	double	z_real, z_imag,		/* z = (z_real + i*z_imag) */
		re2, im2;		/* z_real^2 , z_imag^2 */

	z_real = 0;
	z_real = 0;
	n = 0;
	while ( (n < MAX_ITER) && 
		((re2 = z_real * z_real) + (im2 = z_imag * z_imag) <= 4.0) ) {

		/* iterate z = z^2 + c	*/
		/* = (z_real + i*z_imag)^2 + (c_real + i*c_imag) */
		z_imag = 2.0 * z_real * z_imag + c_imag;
		z_real = re2 - im2 + c_real;

	/* if n < MAX_ITER then |z| exceeded 2 after iteration n
	 *		(and 'c' is definitely not in mandelbrot set)
	 * if n = MAX_ITER then we were not able to see it diverge 
	 *		(so we may assume it is part of mandelbrot set)
	 * 		(for lack of knowing any better)
I realize most people already know this but here is a short explanation:

the mandelbrot set is the set of c's in the complex plane which never
diverge when iterated in the manner described above.
(i.e. the z remains finite, oscillating between values, converging
to a value etc. destined never to escape beyond the circle) 

in most pictures of the mandelbrot set - the set is colored black and other
areas are colored according to the number of iterations it took
for the condition |z| > 2 to be reached using the 'c' value at that

the condition |z| > 2 guarantees that future iterations of z = z^2 + c 
will diverge more and more away and so we use it as a convenient condition 
to test for divergence.

however for certain points 'c' it may take a very long time to verify that
|z| eventually exceeds 2 and for some this condition may never become true
(those points which are truly within the mandelbrot set)
So, to avoid waiting forever for this condition, we only test upto MAX_ITER 
iterations and then if |z| still < 2 , we assume for our purposes that the 
z never diverges and give up testing further for divergence.  (and include 'c'
 in the mandelbrot set)

the more detailed your examination of the boundary of the mandelbrot
set, the higher MAX_ITER will have to be to give a good representation.
For a given pixel resolution, MAX_ITER beyond a certain value
will not increase the apparent accuracy of the picture and will only slow 
down the program.


trebor@biar.UUCP (Robert J Woodhead) (06/26/89)

When I wrote the Mac ``MandelColor'' program, I had a little fun writing
some assembly language code for the 68881 FPU chip to compute the
Mandelbrot set.  Here it is.  It has the nice feature that it manages
to fit all the variables into the 68881 registers, so it is reasonably

;	function mCalc(p,q,myM:Extended; maxK:integer):integer;
;	returns mandelbrot value for point p,q with escaped value myM and
;	maximum value maxK.  Value is number of loops through the computation
;	needed before end result is >myM, or maxK, whichever comes first.
;	maxK should be the # of colors you want to use in your plot, and
;	myM is some arbitrary cutoff.  I always use 100, as that is the
;	number found in Mandelbrot's book.
mCalc	func	export

; register definitions

retAddr	equ	A0		; pascal return address
param	equ	A1		; parameter pointer

k	equ	D0		; loop index
maxK	equ	D1		; maximum K value

p	equ	FP0		; mandelbrot p value
q	equ	FP1		; mandelbrot q value
myM	equ	FP2		; myM loop top value

xv	equ	FP3		; x value
yv	equ	FP4		; y value
xv2	equ	FP5		; x value squared
yv2	equ	FP6		; y value squared

scratch	equ	FP7		; temp results register

; start of code
;	stack contents are as follows:
;	top of stack >	return address	long pointer
;			maxK		word
;			myM		long pointer
;			q		long pointer
;			p		long pointer
;			function result word

	move.l	(sp)+,retAddr	; get return address
	move.w	(sp)+,maxK	; get maxK from the stack
	move.l	(sp)+,param	; get pointer to myM
	fmove.x	(param),myM	; and save it
	move.l	(sp)+,param	; get pointer to q
	fmove.x	(param),q	; and save it
	move.l	(sp)+,param	; get pointer to p
	fmove.x	(param),p	; and save it
	fmovecr	#$0f,xv		; xv  := 0
	fmovecr	#$0f,yv		; yv  := 0
	fmovecr	#$0f,xv2	; xv2 := 0
	fmovecr	#$0f,yv2	; yv2 := 0
	moveq.l	#0,k		; k   := 0
	fmove	k,fpcr		; set IEEE standards for the math
; loop performing the mandelbrot calculations.  loop ends when
; either maxK iterations have been performed or the result
; exceeds myM

mLoop	fmul	xv,yv		; compute yv:=2*xv*yv+q
	addq.w	#1,k		; while this is going on, increment k and
	cmp.w	maxK,k		; see if we are done
	beq.s	eLoop		; if so, exit
	fadd	yv,yv		; yv:=2*xv*yv
	fadd	q,yv		; yv:=2*xv*yv+q
	fmove	xv2,xv		; compute xv:=xv2-yv2+p
	fsub	yv2,xv
	fadd	p,xv
	fmove	xv,xv2		; xv2:=xv*xv
	fmul	xv,xv2
	fmove	yv,yv2		; yv2:=yv*yv
	fmul	yv,yv2
	fmove	yv2,scratch	; compute scratch:=yv2+xv2
	fadd	xv2,scratch
	fcmp	scratch,myM	; if myM>=scratch, reloop
	fbge	mLoop
; at this point, k contains our return result

eLoop	move.w	k,(sp)		; store function result
	jmp	(retAddr)	; and return to Pascal
Robert J Woodhead, Biar Games, Inc.   !uunet!biar!trebor | trebor@biar.UUCP
  ``I can read your mind - right now, you're thinking I'm full of it...''

mpl@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (michael.p.lindner) (06/26/89)

In article <225800193@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu>, burkie@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
> >double
> >func(real, imag)
> >double real, imag;
> >{
	erroneous code deleted
> >}
> I think there is something missing in the above code.
	correct code deleted
> -Salman
> burkie@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu

Oops!  I seem to have posted the wrong code!  Also, my reference to
the January 1989 Scientific American should be to the Februaury 1989
Scientific American.

Mike Lindner
AT&T Bell Laboratories
190 River Rd.
Summit, NJ 07901

chris@ssbell.UUCP (Chris Olson) (06/27/89)

In article <690@biar.UUCP> trebor@biar.UUCP (Robert J Woodhead) writes:
>When I wrote the Mac ``MandelColor'' program, I had a little fun writing
>some assembly language code for the 68881 FPU chip to compute the

[lot's of bandwidth wasted here with assembly code]

>Robert J Woodhead, Biar Games, Inc.   !uunet!biar!trebor | trebor@biar.UUCP
>  ``I can read your mind - right now, you're thinking I'm full of it...''
                                                               No lie.

#ifdef FLAME_ON!

There must be some mistake here.  For a moment there I
thought I was reading comp.lang.c.  Obviously, it's

Come on folks!  Let's at least keep the language this group
is based on as 'C'.  What's next?  Mandelbrot's in COBOL?

#endif FLAME_ON!

Ahem.  At least now I feel better...

     Chris Olson                           /
     (aka, Lord Valentine,                O
           Electric Samurai,       OXXXXXXI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
           & other foolishness)           O
     [uunet!ssbell!chris]                  \

mfinegan@uceng.UC.EDU (michael k finegan) (07/01/89)

    While the calculation of members of the Mandelbrot set may be well known, do
you have pseudo-code for calculation of members of a Julia set? I implemented
the algorithms outlined in Scientific American (forget issue #) for Mandelbrot
and Julia sets; the Mandelbrot set was correct, but the Julia set results were
always wrong. I realize this is not comp.graphics, but since you are discussing
it here as C code ...
					Mike Finegan

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) (07/02/89)

In article <1354@uceng.UC.EDU> mfinegan@uceng.UC.EDU (michael k finegan) writes:
>    While the calculation of members of the Mandelbrot set may be well known, do
>you have pseudo-code for calculation of members of a Julia set?

There are all sorts of clever schemes, but the following extract from a
program that creates Mandelbrot & Julia convergence displays in the
"obvious" way shows that the calculations are quite similar:

	if ( julia )
		zx = cx;
		zy = cy;
		for ( k = 0; k < iters; ++k )
			register double	x = zx * zx - zy * zy + jx;

			zy = 2.0 * zx * zy + jy;
			zx = x;

			if ( zx * zx + zy * zy >= thresh )
	else	{	/* mandelbrot */
		zx = zy = 0.0;
		for ( k = 0; k < iters; ++k )
			register double	x = zx * zx - zy * zy + cx;

			zy = 2.0 * zx * zy + cy;
			zx = x;

			if ( zx * zx + zy * zy >= thresh )