(Charles J. Guest) (08/07/89)
Articles with the following titles were recently posted to the net in my name. They are without question forgeries and I would like to stop the flame war generated by them while it is still possible to do so. Articles: Quick Question Newsreader Problem Mail Address Question Joke Messages C Question New Group Banishment These articles were posted on Aug. 2, 1989 from an as yet undetermined source. They were probably in response to a stance I took on the deletion of one of the newsgroups, (as proposed by another net admin). The crossposts were to groups that I don't read and about personalities on the net with whom I am not acquainted. (Amontg them were Dennis Richey and Mark Smith). To those people.... I am sorry that you got swept into a flame war with my by someone who did not have the writing ability to dirctly discuss the issues at hand. I was not responsible for the juvenile jibes against you and I do not support them. To the rest of the net I hope that someday we will find ways to track down the forgeries the way they were done here but until that time we will have to put up with the antics of those among us who are too immature to contain themselves in a suposedly adult setting. Thank You For your Time, Charles Guest PS: I want to thank Carl S. Gutekunst and Chip Rosenthal for standing up and saying that these were forgeries while I was off AND for e-mailing me to let me know that this garbage was going on. As Carl said we have had our differences but stooping this low over a topic such as rmgrouping is just a little below our level here. Oh yes one last irony.....the machine which the articles suposedly came from was *DOWN* with severe hardware problems on Aug. 2 . (Brilliant minds huh?) + *READ* ---> The opinions expressed above are to the best of my knowledge, + + however all options should be discussed with persons who have professional+ + training with the subjects covered here. * ALL POSSIBLE DISCLAIMERS APPLY!+ +___FROM: =>or<= sun!ames!magellan!chguest____+