[comp.lang.c] Problem with accessing extended memory using MSC 5.1

majid@citycs.UUCP (M Mirmehdi) (09/15/89)

Can anyone help with the following please:

I am writing an application on my 1MB PC-AT, using Microsoft C 5.1, 
which requires a number of large two-dimensional arrays. Naturally,
having soon ran out of space in my conventional memory, I realised
that I had to explore the HMA or the EMB, where:

                  ----------------------------------- Top of Memory
                  |                                 |
                  |                                 |
Please Note:      -----------------------------------
This is a         |      Possible Extended Memory   |
very basic        |          Block  (EMB)           |
representation.   -----------------------------------
                  |                                 |
                  -----------------------------------  1088K
                  |   High Memory Area  (HMA)       |
                  ___________________________________  1024K or 1MB
                  |                                 |
                  |      Upper Memory Block         |
                  -----------------------------------  640K
                  |      Conventional Memory        |
                  -----------------------------------  0K

I then requested LIMXMS (eXtended Memory Specification, ver 2.0) 
from Microsoft, who promptly supplied me with a copy. I dismissed
the HMA immediately as I realised an extra 64K was not enough,
and tried to use the EMBs with the extra 384K available.
Using the test programs provided with LIMXMS, I managed to
confirm that I had 384K available, but the rest has been an uphill
struggle. I have tried to allocate (which seems to work fine)
and lock an area of memory (also works fine), and then assign it
to an array (code below) . It all works ok, but when I try to
initialise the array the whole system locks up. 

/* Code to assisgn EMB to a 2D array of 100x100 size */
/* This is essentially like mallocing in conventional memory */

long far *start, *base;
long far **array;
long XMM_memory_start;   /* eXtended Memory Manager start of memory */ 

/* This XMM_memery_start address is available after a LIMXMS procedure call */
start = (long far *)XMM_memory_start;
array = (long far **)XMM_memory_start;
base = start + 100;
for (i=0;i<100;i++) {
     *start = (long far)&base;
     base += 100;
/* now use array, but it hangs the system. */

Reading the LIMXMS documentation further, it seems that I have 
two ways out, but these two methods are far two cumbersome and
1 - Use the  Move Block (function 0Bh) to move blocks of memory
    around from conventional to extended memory. This would slow
    down everything so much.

2 - Write driver routines which will exist in HMA which then access
    the extended memory. No thanks!

I am probably wrong about (1) and completely misguided about (2),
but if anyone has any suggestions, however remote, please 
mail me personally if possible. I will try and let the net know
how things get on. Has anyone done (1) or (2)?

I believe there are some articles in the Microsoft Journal which
help you out with this, (any old examples would do), but I 
haven't managed to get hold of the relevant issues. I believe
there are helpful articles in: 

"Microsoft Systems Journal", volume 10, number 6, November, 1988,
 article entitled "The High Memory Area: 64KB More Memory in 
 Real Mode", by Chip Anderson, pages 53-57.

"Microsoft Systems Journal", volume 4, number 4, July 1989,
 article entitled "Extended Memory Specification 2.x: Taking
 Advantage of the 80286 Protected Mode", by Chip Anderson,
 pages 17-26.    (Thanks to Lee Fisher for references.) 

Photocopies of these articles will be priceless!

I have just begun investigating the protected mode documentation
that I have so may be that will bring some joy.

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance...


Majid Mirmehdi
Dept. of Computer Science
The City University
Northampton Square          Tel     : +44 1 253 4399    x3718
London                      Internet: majid%uk.ac.city.cs@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk 
EC1V 0HB                    JANET   : majid@uk.ac.city.cs