[comp.lang.c] random maze generator

a563@mindlink.UUCP (Dave Kirsch) (09/06/89)

> smarison writes:
> Does anyone have any good random maze generators written in C? I'm
> writing a program and need to generate a random maze but I have no
> idea how to do it.

Here is a little maze program I hacked out a while ago:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int maze[10][10];

#define NORTH 0x01
#define SOUTH 0x02
#define WEST  0x04
#define EAST  0x08

int dirs[4] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08};
int cdirs[4];

void generate(void)
int x, y;
int n;
int i, j, k, l;

  x = random(10);
  y = random(10);
  n = 99;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
      maze[i][j] = 0;

  while (n > 0) {
    printf("%d  ", n);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      cdirs[i] = dirs[i];
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      do {
        j = random(4);
        k = random(4);
      } while (j == k);
      l = cdirs[j];
      cdirs[j] = cdirs[k];
      cdirs[k] = l;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      switch (cdirs[i]) {
        case NORTH :
          if (y == 0 || maze[x][y - 1] != 0)
          maze[x][y--] |= NORTH;
          maze[x][y] |= SOUTH;
          goto next;
        case SOUTH :
          if (y == 9 || maze[x][y + 1] != 0)
          maze[x][y++] |= SOUTH;
          maze[x][y] |= NORTH;
          goto next;
        case WEST :
          if (x == 0 || maze[x - 1][y] != 0)
          maze[x--][y] |= WEST;
          maze[x][y] |= EAST;
          goto next;
        case EAST :
          if (x == 9 || maze[x + 1][y] != 0)
          maze[x++][y] |= EAST;
          maze[x][y] |= WEST;
          goto next;

    /* if here... no place to go */
    if (x == 9) {
      x = 0;
      if (y == 9)
        y = 0;
    } else

    while (maze[x][y] == 0) {
      if (x == 9) {
        x = 0;
        if (y == 9)
          y = 0;
      } else


    next :


void printmaze(void)
int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
      if (maze[j][i] & EAST)
        printf("  ");
        printf(" |");
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
      if (maze[j][i] & SOUTH)
        printf(" +");


void main(void)

It generates a 10x10 maze with bits set on each int in the maze array
indicating openings in that direction (the #defines list what bits coorespond
to what direction).

This is a interesting little algorithm in that it only generates one solution
to a maze, though it may not be the most effeicent.

Yes, I know there is a goto in the code, but, like I said, I just played one
day on how to generate a maze and came up with this, it was just a quick hack

It's written in portable ANSI C, except for the random() function I think. I'm
using Turbo C under MSDOS and it has a random function.  random() is a macro
defined as: #define random(n) (rand() % (n))
So all it does is take the value from the rand() function (which returns 0 to
32767) and mods it to the range n.  So random(10) will return a random number
from 0 to 9.

Have fun.

Dave Kirsch -- a563@mindlink.UUCP

smarison@hawk.ulowell.edu (Dr. oTTo) (09/07/89)

Does anyone have any good random maze generators written in C? I'm
writing a program and need to generate a random maze but I have no
idea how to do it.


leipold@eplrx7.UUCP (leipold) (09/08/89)

smarison writes:
> Does anyone have any good random maze generators written in C? I'm
> writing a program and need to generate a random maze but I have no
> idea how to do it.

The following code generates a spanning tree maze, which by definition
has only one solution.  It cops out and uses a simple 'printer-plot'
output format -- the original I wrote for the Macintosh included
Mac graphics and a little 'snake' which crawled through the maze to
solve it...

--Walt L.


#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define MAXROW   12
#define MAXCOL   18
#define WALLUP    1
#define WALLDOWN  0

#define min(a,b) (a)<=(b) ? (a) : (b)
#define max(a,b) (a)>=(b) ? (a) : (b)

int right[MAXCOL][MAXROW],
    down [MAXCOL][MAXROW];

main () /* generate spanning tree maze */
    int row,col;


int *xmax,*ymax;
    int i,j;

    *xmax = MAXCOL-1;  *ymax = MAXROW-1;
    for (i=0; i<=*xmax; i+=1) 
        for (j=0; j<=*ymax; j+=1) {
            down [i][j]=WALLUP;
    for (i=0; i<=*xmax; i+=1)
    for (j=0; j<=*ymax; j+=1)

int xa,ya,xb,yb;
    int x0,x1,x2,x3,y0,y1,y2,y3;
    int RandBetween();

    x1=min(xa,xb);  y1=min(ya,yb);
    x2=max(xa,xb);  y2=max(ya,yb);
    if (x1==x2 && y1==y2)
    else if ((x2-x1)+(y2-y1) == 1)
    else if (x2-x1 > y2-y1) {
        x3 = RandBetween(x1,x2-1);
        y0 = RandBetween(y1,y2);
    else {
        y3 = RandBetween(y1,y2-1);
        x0 = RandBetween(x1,x2);

int x1,y1,x2,y2;
    int i,j;
    char rt[256],dn[256];

    for (j=y1-1; j<=y2; j+=1) {
        for (i=x1-1; i<=x2; i+=1) {
            strcat(rt,(right[i][j] == WALLUP) ? "  00" : "    ");
            strcat(dn,(down [i][j] == WALLUP) ? "0000" : "  00");

int x1,y1,x2,y2;
    if (x1 == x2)
        down[x1][y1] = WALLDOWN;
    else if (y1 == y2)
        right[x1][y1] = WALLDOWN;

int RandBetween(n1,n2)
int n1,n2;
    return n1 + (abs(random()) % (n2-n1+1));
	/* assumes 'random' returns 15-bit random number */

"As long as you've lit one candle,                         Walt Leipold
you're allowed to curse the darkness."       (leipolw%esvax@dupont.com)

userAKDU@ualtamts.BITNET (Al Dunbar) (09/14/89)

In article <757@eplrx7.UUCP>, leipold@eplrx7.UUCP (leipold) writes:
>smarison writes:
>> Does anyone have any good random maze generators written in C? I'm
>> writing a program and need to generate a random maze but I have no
>> idea how to do it.
>The following code generates a spanning tree maze, which by definition
>has only one solution.  ...
>--Walt L.
A  theoretical question: is this algorithm complete, or is there
at least one maze that it is unable to generate,  regardless  of
the  contrariness  of  the random number function? The algorithm
"To make a maze out of an array of closed cells:
1) divide it into two adjacent sub- arrays separated by a
common wall chosen at random;
2) make each sub- array into a maze;
3) connect the two mazes by removing one of the segments of
the wall separating them."
Any  maze  produced this way will be spanned in one direction by
one straight wall containing only a single  break.  Using  trial
and  error,  I have as yet been unable to devise a maze that did
not have this property, but somehow it doesn't seem likely to be
impossible. Can anyone prove this either way?
/Al Dunbar

fisher@sc2a.unige.ch (Markus Fischer) (09/19/89)

In article <14777@swan.ulowell.edu>, smarison@hawk.ulowell.edu (Dr. oTTo) writes:
> Does anyone have any good random maze generators written in C?

You want a maze ?  Here is one:

--            E;             J[              E]             =T
[E   ]=  E)   printf("._");  for(;(A-=Z=!Z)  ||  (printf("\n|"
)    ,   A    =              39              ,C             --
)    ;   Z    ||    printf   (M   ))M[Z]=Z[A-(E   =A[J-Z])&&!C
&    A   ==             T[                                  A]     
|6<<27<rand()||!C&!Z?J[T[E]=T[A]]=E,J[T[A]=A-Z]=A,"_.":" |"];}

It works, too !
The program first pauses to have you enter the number of lines of maze you
want, then goes about to write it (on 79 char).

Ah, before i forget: the left shift of the rand() function is implementation
specific.  Correct it if needed... (where? on the bottom left corner :-)

NOTE:  This aMAZEing program isn't mine, it's just the source on which I
learned C for the first time (indentation and comments came later :-).  As a
rough guess, this *must* be the winner of an `obfuscated c code contest'
some years ago, but i got this without reference...
If the author is listening, congratulations and apologies !


perry@ccssrv.UUCP (Perry Hutchison) (09/21/89)

In article <127@sc2a.unige.ch> fisher@sc2a.unige.ch (Markus Fischer) writes:

>You want a maze ?  Here is one:

<7 lines of utterly incomprehensible code mercifully omitted>


>It works, too !

Accidents happen.

> this *must* be the winner of an `obfuscated c code contest'

Yes, I suppose so (GROAN)

If you ever get tired of comp.sources.misc and want the moderator to resign,
I suppose you could try submitting this. :-)