[comp.lang.c] thanks for the help...

peper1@unix.cis.pitt.edu (J. Christian A. Peper) (10/11/89)

Remeber hat message about why that assignment in C didn't work? And remember
tha the pointer started a comment which everybody knew except me?

Well I just wanted to say thank you to everyone how replied. And tere were a
lot. I logged in for days finding 15 or more msgs.....


thanks, but i got it after the first msg already!


PS: I'll probably never forget this error.
* PEPER1@PITTVMS.BITNET		peper1@unix.cis.pitt.edu      	    *
* Claimer: If it ain't DUTCH, it ain't much!!!!!!		    *
* En voor jullie eikels daar ergens:  Net goed!! Toffelemoon!	    *

mcdonald@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (10/17/89)

>No, we generally consider somebody who randomly tries things as a very
>poor scientist.

>>How would you othervise come to know, what isn't known?  to understand what
>>is misunderstood?

I am a physicist, and above most such silly things (except slaughtering
goats, which are delicious) .But, really, synthetic chemists really
do try adding pinches of random magic ingredients to their recipies
in hope of getting better yields. Really. There is a VERY long list of
these magic ingredients. 

Doig McDonald