[comp.lang.c] Microsoft C 5.1/QuickC 2.0 Help Needed

unkydave@shumv1.uucp (David Bank) (10/26/89)

   This is a repost of an earlier article. If someone responded to 
my last request, accept my thanks but I didn't get it. All I've
gotten so far was one piece of E-Mail and that wasn't quite all
I needed.

   Anyway, the remaining question regards an apparent compatibility
problem with Microsoft C 5.1 and QuickC 2.0. We (our programming
team) is writing a rather largish program under contract. We use
MC 5.1 for final compilations and QC 2.0 for development.

   Now, as I understand it, we SHOULD be able to take our source
code and compile it fully under QC 2.0. It compiles fine, alright
(admittedly, in "C", that isn't saying too much), but when we
run it, the program crashes with a "far pointer error". This does
not happen when we use MC 5.1.

    We are on IBM clones using DOS 3.xx and the large (read: fat)
memory models. The person who E-Mailed me suggested a problem
with not having all our models as "large" but we do so that can't
be it (right?)

    Also, if we have a variable declaration statement like:

        int   foo = 1;

    QC 2.0 will take it but  MC 5.1 will barf on it.

    Can anyone help out here? Are these documented bugs?? Does 
Microsoft know about them?? Does anyone know any ways around them 
(aside from the obvious "int  foo;  { foo = 1 }")????

    Thank you greatly in advance.

Unky Dave