[comp.lang.c] Choosing Turbo C

wew@naucse.UUCP (Bill Wilson) (12/20/89)

:Subject: Re: Turbo C portability from other C compilers

apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt):
> I am wondering if Turbo C is a "friendly," "traditional" C compiler.
> What I mean is, can you take programs written in other environments and
> compile them under Turbo C?  UN*X is one environment which comes to
> mind, but there are lots of others.  When you start with a program
> written somewhere else, do you find you have to hack and tune to get
> the thing to compile and run under Turbo C?  Do you find that to have
> been because of Turbo C's idiosyncrasies, rather than those of the
> other environment?
I have found TC 2.0 to be very compatible with other C compilers.  
Especially if the code is from Unix or other mainframe/mini systems.
I have downloaded thousands of lines of code and have made relatively
few changes to the programs.  The only major hitch is in the signal
functions.  The parameter list order is different.  

The largest project I took on was compiling Gnuplot under TC 2.0.
The only part I changed was the device independant graphics.  This
was actually very easy because of the way the Gnuplot programmers
put the code together.  Everything was done thru proto-types and

I think TC 2.0 is a very good choice in a PC compiler.  And yes,
it is an Ansi C compiler.  The manual indicates what functions are
Ansi, Turbo or Unix.


Let sleeping dragons lie........               | The Bit Chaser
Bill Wilson             (Bitnet: ucc2wew@nauvm | wilson@nauvax)
Northern AZ Univ  Flagstaff, AZ 86011