[net.sf-lovers] Help!! - lost sf classic

ttb@iwsl1.UUCP (Thomas T. Butler) (09/22/83)

Can anyone help me find an "oldie but goodie"? It was a novel named
"Preferred Risk", I believe the author was J. T. McCann. I lost my
copy (loaned it to a "friend") years ago and have been unable to find
a replacement, it is long since out-of-print. Any info will be
appreciated, as it was one of very few sf novels I gave an "A" rating to.


russell@cmcl2.UUCP (09/25/83)

cmcl2!russell    Sep 25 13:51:00 1983

I have in my collection two copies of this novel: Preferred Risk

by Edson McCann
Dell Publishing, March 1962
with copyrights of
1955, Galaxy Publishing
1955, Simon & Schuster

By Frederik Pohl & Lester del Rey
	writing as Edson McCann
Ballantine (A DelRey Book), January 1980
with the same copyrights plus the story (from two viewpoints)
of how the novel came to be written (very funny).

It might still be in print (check "Books in Print" at any major
bookstore).  You might be able to pick it up at a used bookstore.
That is where I got my first paperback edition of it.


	Bill Russell		UUCP:	...!floyd!cmcl2!russell
	(212) 460-7292		ARPA:	Russell@NYU

ttb@iwsl1.UUCP (Thomas T. Butler) (09/26/83)

To Bill Russell, and all you net.sf-lovers:

     I can't thank you enough for your info on "Preferred Risk".
I was not aware it had been re-released, or that the author was
really Frederick Pohl & Lester del Rey. Armed with this info I went
to a local book store and found not only a listing in "Books in Print",
but a copy of the new release on their shelves. Thanks to you I have
filled a 20 year-old gap in my treasured sf collection.
                            Tom Butler