[comp.lang.c] fdopen , open and memory release within scope ...

kannan@cathedral.cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (R. Kannan) (05/08/90)




int x ;
	FILE *fx , *fopen ;
	fx = fdopen (x,.... ); /* memory gets allocated */

	/* want to free the memory without closing the file descriptor
	   so that file descriptor can be used in the caller's scope
	   and close within that scope

	fclose (fx ) ; /* WILL CLOSE THE FILE associated withe
			  the input parameter as well isnt it?
	/* rest of fn2 */

	int x ;
	x= open ( filename, mode etc );

	fn2(x) ;

	/* want to do other things as well as close the x */



	I want to do pass a file descriptor to a function wherein
	the function converts the file descriptor to a FILE pointer
	using fdopen.

	Now on exiting from the function I want to free all memories
	allocated (because of the FILE poitner) and leave the file
	descriptor in tact.

	Could you please e-mail to me if you have any sugestions.

	Please do E-MAIL. Prefer e-mail than posting to the whole
	net. Will summarize if there are requests ....
