[comp.lang.c] SUNTOOLS: controlling multiple panels with one scrollbar

r91400@memqa.uucp (Michael C. Grant) (07/03/90)

I posted this to several newsgroups to insure that SOMEONE out there
who has used SunView before sees it.  I was surprised to find no
comp.sys.sun or comp.windows.sunview :~/

Anyway, I'm looking for a way to allow one scrollbar to control more than
one panel.  In effect, I want to implement a two-dimensional table browser:
             YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY
	XXXX blah
        XXXX blah      blah
        XXXX blah blah
        XXXX blah
        XXXX      blah      blah
'XXXX' denote the row labels, and 'YYYY' labels.  I was considering
the following scenario:  
	Implement each label set as a separate panel, and
	implement the main table as panel with two scrollbars.
	Intercept the scroll requests, and scroll the label
	panels accordingly.
This sounds simple, but it looks like the scrolling parameters are in the
scrollbars themselves, and not in the panels.
You know, this is an awful lot like a spreadsheet, but with GUI scrollbars!
(Believe me, if I could do it in X I would.)

Any suggestions?  Please do not post them, as I only read one of the four
groups this has been sent to.  Instead, please mail me your suggestions...

Thanks a lot,
Michael C. Grant
Motorola, Inc.