[comp.lang.c] Problem with scanf in TurboC 2.0

dougj@blake.u.washington.edu (Doug Junkins) (07/27/90)

I am working on a program to keep track of my pilot logbook and I've run into
a stumbling block.  

Problem:  I need to enter floating point numbers from the keyboard.  I have
          tried using 'scanf("%f",&variable_name)' where variable name is
          part of a structure and if defined as float.  The program compiles 
          without errors, however when I run the program, a runtime error
          occurs with the message 'scanf:  floating point format not linked'.
Solutions Attempted:  I have checked to make sure that Turbo-C knows that I
                      do not have a 80287 and that it should use the emulation 
                      library.  I have also checked to make sure that EMU.LIB
                      exists in the proper directory. 

Any help with this problem would be appreciated.

Douglas Junkins