[comp.lang.c] tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto & tputs for VAX-C?

seaotter@athena.mit.edu (Stacy L Ramirez) (07/31/90)

More unix->VMS questions:

1) what are tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto & tputs?  Is the t for terminal?
   do they have any equivalent on VAX-C?  Where are they declared in
   4.3 BSD -- the only time one finds them in usr/include/*.h is one
   use in curses.h.

2) oh yes, ditto for tgetent.

3) Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated.

-- Mike

|	obligatory address	: c/o seaotter@athena.mit.edu		 |
|	obligatory disclaimer	: My views don't represent anyone but me |
|	obligatory quote	: Nothing takes the taste out of peanut  |
|				  butter quite like unrequited love.	 |
|							-- Charlie Brown |