[comp.lang.c] Microsoft C V5.1 halloc

elee24@castle.ed.ac.uk (H Bruce) (08/02/90)

I have written a C program using the large model
which when compiled is about 34K in size.

I want to allocate space for a huge array of just over 133K (33K long ints)
but halloc() returns a NULL. I am specifiying the size of the array element to
be sizeof(long) (a power of 2). What is going wrong ?

The total memory requirement would appear to be 64K for the program and
about 3*64K for the data but DOS say I have 530K free.


Henry Bruce.

a50@mindlink.UUCP (Cliff Lum) (08/04/90)

A NULL return indicates a memory allocation fail because of insufficient space
or bad values of the arguments.
here is some sample code
#include <malloc.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 100000L
        short huge *larray;
        if (( larray = (short huge *)halloc(MAX_SIZE, sizeof(short))) == NULL
        printf("Alocation by halloc failed ");
hfree(void huge *)larray); /* free the array */
} /* also missing the { after main() */

example call
p_huge = (short huge *)halloc(100000, sizeof(short));