[comp.lang.c] Correction: Re: A "How to typedef..." Question

joefritz@pawl.rpi.edu (Jochen M. Fritz) (08/09/90)

In article <^20$~8#@rpi.edu>  I wrote (in error):
>typedef union tree
>  {
>    struct leaf
>      {
>        /*the data that you have goes here */
>      } leaf;
>    struct branch
>      {               /*this builds the linkage field*/
>        union basetree * Left;
>        union basetree * Right;
>      } branch;
>  } tree;

This should be:

typedef union tree
    struct leaf
        /*the data that you have goes here */
      } leaf;
    struct branch
      {               /*this builds the linkage field*/
        union tree * Left;
        union tree * Right;
      } branch;
  } tree;

sorry about that.  
I took this from my current project, and simplified it for posting.  I did 
not change everything.

| Jochen Fritz            | For though we live in the world, we do not |
| joefritz@pawl.rpi.edu   | wage war as the world does.-- 2 Cor. 10:3  |      
| usergk2s@rpitsmts.bitnet| You have heard it said, Love your neighbor |
| Noah [the peace monger] | and hate your enemy.  But I tell you: Love |
|                         | your enemies.  Matt. 5:43-44               |

| Jochen Fritz            | For though we live in the world, we do not |
| joefritz@pawl.rpi.edu   | wage war as the world does.-- 2 Cor. 10:3  |      
| usergk2s@rpitsmts.bitnet| You have heard it said, Love your neighbor |
| Noah [the peace monger] | and hate your enemy.  But I tell you: Love |
|                         | your enemies.  Matt. 5:43-44               |