[comp.lang.c] The reason behind the strcmp

afoiani@nmsu.edu (Anthony Foiani) (10/17/90)

I seem to remember that the original poster was looking for a 'quick'
way to speed up code with lots of 'strcmp()'s in it.  

And so the deluge began... fourty days and nights of various strcmp
code and commentary...

Tony Foiani  a.k.a. Tkil  (mcsajf@nmsuvm1.bitnet) or (afoiani@nmsu.edu)
Supporting:  Unix / DOS / VMS / Macintosh / "What's this?" / Apple II

cdm@gem-hy.Berkeley.EDU (Dale Cook) (10/20/90)

In article <AFOIANI.90Oct16195905@dante.nmsu.edu>, afoiani@nmsu.edu
(Anthony Foiani) writes:
|> I seem to remember that the original poster was looking for a 'quick'
|> way to speed up code with lots of 'strcmp()'s in it.  
|> And so the deluge began... fourty days and nights of various strcmp
|> code and commentary...
|> ...tony
|> --
|> Tony Foiani  a.k.a. Tkil  (mcsajf@nmsuvm1.bitnet) or (afoiani@nmsu.edu)
|> Supporting:  Unix / DOS / VMS / Macintosh / "What's this?" / Apple II

For your reading pleasure, here is the original article.  I don't see where
the author asked for "a quick way to speed up code with lots of strcmp()'s
in it".  In fact, I don't see where he referred to "strcmp()" at all.  
Perhaps I missed something...

Article 6403 of comp.lang.c


	I'm sorry if this is a trival task, but I would like a function that
compares two strings.  I would like to be able to find if a string is equal to,
less than, or greater than another string.  I tried writing a routinue myself,
but I just can't seem to do it, so I thought I'd ask.

	I wouldn't mind some code, or just the basic algorithm maybe.

	If anyone can help me, please email or post...





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