[net.sf-lovers] Probability Drives

Heiny.henr@Parc-Maxc.Arpa (11/03/83)

From:  Chris Heiny <Heiny.henr@Parc-Maxc.Arpa>

I seem to recall an old space opera by John Campbell that was reissueda
(I think by Ace) about 10 years ago.  It was called 'Uncertainty' or
'The Ultimate Weapon' or some such.  Basically it was the old hack about
an bug-eyed alien invasion (in this case tfrom Mira), and just as the
aliens are about to conquer the world, a lone inventor makes a huge
serendipitous leap in technology (beyond that of even the aliens) and
saves the world.  (Terra Uber Alles!)  The aliens realize their mistake
and everbody peacefully coexists happily ever after.  In this case the
weapons were based on the laws of uncertainty.  I don't recall much
more, so I'll try and scrounge out my copy at home.
