s8925188@mqcomp.mqcc.mq.OZ (Philip Craig) (12/06/90)
I don't usually post here, but this seems a reasonable newsgroup to use for the purpose. I'm looking at implementing a V.42 engine in C, and I am wondering if anyone has done the job already. If so, could someone here please e-mail me either some source or a location from which I could find some source. I don't usually read this group, so e-mail is best. If there's sufficient interest I'll post a summary of responses here. I should point out that V.42 has several similarities to X.25 in its packet format and negotiation format, so X.25 sources would also be very interesting. If anyone is interested, I'm looking at doing this using a Z8530 SCC chip. Thanks in advance, Philip Craig. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side... ACSnet ( s8925188@mqcomp.mq.oz ) UUCP ( uunet!munnari!mqcomp.mq.oz!s8925188 ) Internet ( s8925188%mqcomp.mq.oz@uunet.uu.net )