[comp.lang.c] c program compiling

marc@skypod.uucp (Marc Fournier) (01/15/91)

Okay guys, I need some help:

	I'm triing to compile a program called reap.  The problem is,
that when I compile it, I get a syntax error with the file stat.h,
which is an include file for the program.  The syntax error is
in line 14, where it crashes.

	This is probably to vague a question, but if someone out there
has any ideas, or can ask me to elaborate by telling me what I should
say, then please do so.  What is wrong with line 14, "dev_t  st_dev",
a structure?

	I've included the code for the include file, if that helps 

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


/*	Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T	*/
/*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/

/*	The copyright notice above does not evidence any   	*/
/*	actual or intended publication of such source code.	*/

#ident	"@(#)/usr/include/sys/stat.h.sl 1.3 3.0 12/19/85 41824 "

 * stat structure, used by stat(2) and fstat(2)
struct	stat {
	dev_t	st_dev;
	ushort	st_ino;
	ushort 	st_mode;
	short  	st_nlink;
	ushort 	st_uid;
	ushort 	st_gid;
	dev_t	st_rdev;
	off_t	st_size;
	time_t	st_atime;
	time_t	st_mtime;
	time_t	st_ctime;

#define	S_IFMT	0170000		/* type of file */
#define		S_IFDIR	0040000	/* directory */
#define		S_IFCHR	0020000	/* character special */
#define		S_IFBLK	0060000	/* block special */
#define		S_IFREG	0100000	/* regular */
#define		S_IFIFO	0010000	/* fifo */
#define	S_ISUID	04000		/* set user id on execution */
#define	S_ISGID	02000		/* set group id on execution */
#define	S_ISVTX	01000		/* save swapped text even after use */
#define	S_IREAD	00400		/* read permission, owner */
#define	S_IWRITE	00200	/* write permission, owner */
#define	S_IEXEC	00100		/* execute/search permission, owner */
#define	S_ENFMT	S_ISGID		/* record locking enforcement flag */
#define	S_IRWXU	00700		/* read, write, execute: owner */
#define	S_IRUSR	00400		/* read permission: owner */
#define	S_IWUSR	00200		/* write permission: owner */
#define	S_IXUSR	00100		/* execute permission: owner */
#define	S_IRWXG	00070		/* read, write, execute: group */
#define	S_IRGRP	00040		/* read permission: group */
#define	S_IWGRP	00020		/* write permission: group */
#define	S_IXGRP	00010		/* execute permission: group */
#define	S_IRWXO	00007		/* read, write, execute: other */
#define	S_IROTH	00004		/* read permission: other */
#define	S_IWOTH	00002		/* write permission: other */
#define	S_IXOTH	00001		/* execute permission: other */
| Marc G. Fournier   (416) 250-8589  |                                |
| marc@skypod.uucp                   |                                |
| Toronto, Ontario                   |   Haven't thought of anything  |
| Student of Computer Programming    |       witty to say yet!        |