[net.sf-lovers] Dr Who queries


1.  The new Companion will be called Peri Brown, played by actress
    Nicola Bryant, who is indeed an American.  She will join shortly
    after the departure of Tegan (Janet Fielding, Australian).
    However, the enigmatic Turlough will still be around.

2.  "The Five Doctors" will feature not only the Doctors but also many
    former members of the cast, such as the Brigadier (Nicholas Courteney)
    and Zoe (Wendy Padbury).  I have heard a rumour that the Dr's
    "granddaughter" (she wasn't - he actually adopted her) will reappear,
    though whether again played by Carole Ann Ford I can't say.

3.  Dr Who transcends mere questions of literary merit.  It is utterly
    compulsive, addicting, ...  Part of its charm (to me) is that it is
    a children's program of the good kind: made by (and for) adults who
    can enter into the child's world of values.  Feel free to disagree.

Robert Firth