[net.sf-lovers] Buttons Seen at SF Cons

mam@charm.UUCP (11/13/83)


Nice Computers Don't Go Down

Real programmers don't document;
if it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.

I thought YOU silenced the guard!

Lawful Dungeon Master - and they're MY laws!

Don't worry - the brontosaurus is slow, stupid, and placid.

I hate blue cuteness - nuke the Smurfs!

Shift to the left, shift to the right,
Push down, pop up, byte, byte, byte!


Property of Presteign's

Visit Scenic Gyronchi

Piddle, twiddle, and resolve
Not one damn thing do we solve

I see in my glassy ball...
(I can't afford rock crystal)

Filksinger for hire
(Ear insurance extra)

Planetary Engineer
Fjords a speciality

I haven't lost my mind - it's backed up on tape somewhere

Hitch-hiker... DON'T talk to me about Hitch-hiker!

E = mc^2 +- 3db

Speaker to Enzymes <worn by a biochemist>

Even puppeteers have enemies

Freedom - It is our worship-word!

To hell with the Prime Directive;
Let's KILL something!

Mildly annoyed scientist

Incorrigible punster
Do not incorrige

Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards,
for they become soggy and hard to light

Do not throw cigarette butts in the urinal,
for they are subtle and quick to anger

It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations

The Ossifiers are the bony exoskeleton of the
New Jersey Science Fiction Society <worn by an officer of NJSFS>

Driftwood on the sea of fandom <worn by same as above>

ciaraldi@rochester.UUCP (Mike Ciaraldi) (11/18/83)

Also seen:

I don't get mad
I get odd

This button is blank
when you're not looking at it

(I showed that one to Prof. Gacs, expert in CS theory,
and asked "Can we prove this within our logical system?"
He replied, "The problem is--can we disprove it?"

(With a drawing of a dumpy little alien):
So, I'm a little FAT green man from outer space.

Mike Ciaraldi