[comp.lang.c] Can Novices Jump Directly in C?

peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu (02/07/91)

	Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
with C.
	The purpose of this is to help someone I know who intends to teach an
introduction to programming class in C (it was formerly taught in Pascal).

I'll post the summary if people will send me e-mail.
+ James Peregrino                        |     JPEREGRINO@HBSSTG.HARVARD.EDU +
+ Programmer/Analyst                     |         PEREGRIN@STIG.HARVARD.EDU +
+ Science & Technology Interest Group    |    JPEREGRINO@HBS.HBS.HARVARD.EDU + 
+ Harvard Business School                |       PEREGRIN@HULAW1.BITNET      +
+ Boston, MA 02163                       +-----------------------------------+
+ Voice: (617)495-6307                   | My opinions are only my own and   +
+ FAX:   (617)495-0351                   | never H.B.S's.                    +

enag@ifi.uio.no (Erik Naggum) (02/08/91)

In article <1991Feb6.121722.1@hulaw1.harvard.edu>, James Peregrino writes:
>	 Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that
> uses C?  I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of
> books.  I'm aware that most introduction to programming books use
> Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as their language, but I haven't seen
> anybooks that start a novice out directly with C.
>	 The purpose of this is to help someone I know who intends to
> teach an introduction to programming class in C (it was formerly
> taught in Pascal).


C is not well suited for first time programmers due to its intimacy
with the hardware.  It's better to learn some assembly language and
then "discover" the power of C by a little induction than to be given
the crypticity of C to handle in addition to learning what a loop is
good for.

C is not well suited for first time programmers also for the simple
reason that it has far too many ways of doing the same thing, which
can be horribly confusing to future programmers.  Macros can be very
useful for experienced programmers, but they easily "clutter" programs
in the eyes and minds of the very young.  Redefining part of the
language you're learning with a macro has to be deferred to people who
miss the opportunity to relieve themselves of some tedium.  (Of
course, object-like macros (like #define MAXSTRLEN 81) are very useful
for ("manifest") constants.)

Now, as for Pascal, it's been hailed as such a good introductory
language.  Bogus!  Pascal destroys the mind of hopeful young
programmers, and it takes years to un-learn Pascalisms.  The same is
true, IMHO, of most ALGOL-based languages.  Strong typing can be
useful if it is not a barrier.  Ada has strong typing and has
overloading, so does C++.  Simula has strong typing but sorely lacks
overloading and makes people dependent on "crutches".  (I don't think
any of these languages are any good for beginners, either.)

I know, this doesn't leave much for the introduction-level programmer.

When kids begin to learn the alphabet and the language they speak in,
they read vastly more than they write.  Programmers are encouraged to
write a snippet of code as soon as possible.  (This is great if you
already have something useful to write, but we're not there, yet.)  I
believe beginner programmers should be given some time to intuit the
meaning and expressiveness of good code, handling simple problems, and
then go on to read of more elaborate algorithms, still avoiding hairy
code and syntax.  Programming is not only writing code, but also to
write in a way which you can understand and be proud of a week later,
and which has a high likelihood of containing only syntactic errors.
(Strong typing can be an aid in this respect -- but too much of it,
and young programmers get frustrated.  Better that they learn to
behave themselves than to be forbidden to misbehave.)

All of this makes C a difficult language to handle, mainly because of
the amount of "new things" to remember, and the multitude of ways of
expression.  I don't have any experience in teaching "fake languages",
but I imagine they'd have to capture the abstractions in programming
languages much better than real languages to be of value.  Perhaps
this is why LISP (Scheme) is such a successful beginner's language?
The great thing about LISP is that it's very much a real language,

Soi-disant fourth-generation languages are the worst things to ever
put before the mind of a young programmer, in my mind.  Not only do
they have a very limited appreciation of the past 30 years of language
research, they also limit the field of applicaton to a horrible

Maybe I'm too "abstract" for the new programmers, but I've seen so
many bright minds be crippled by Pascal that I don't wish to let
people experience quite such a bad start.

To sum this up, I think, if you let beginners _read_ code, explaining
how things work, what kind of syntaxes (grammars) are used, that is,
make it much more of a linguistic approach than "algorithms and data
structures", they won't be the archetypical "beginners" for more than
the first month or so.  Ask them to do obviously stupid things on the
computer as their first move, and they may remain beginners for years.


Whatever you do, avoid all books by Herbert Schildt.  The poor
students will be even more crippled than they would have been with
Pascal.  Schildt is an author who truly believes the reader is a
near-complete idiot, and he also sincerely believes that his book is
not going to help him, being as inane in the last as in the first

Yes, I think it's too easy to start off on the wrong track for our
future programmers.  The MS/PC-DOS world isn't helping them, either.
Au contraire! the vast majority of products in this world expect a
user with an alarmingly low intelligence and learning ability.  My
experience is that young programmers are like kids on their first day
of school -- eager to learn and so easily frustrated by bad teachers.
Except, of course, that programmers are generally more curious and
more willing to learn, and dare I say more intelligent?, than most
kids -- and other apprentice craftsmen.

Aren't there some truly bright programmer who take apprentices and
teach them the craft, not trying to impress them with so many bogus
"tricks of the trade"?  I know I would have spent a few years less in
"apprentice" state had there been anyone who could have showed me the
(right) way.

[Erik Naggum]					     <enag@ifi.uio.no>
Naggum Software, Oslo, Norway			   <erik@naggum.uu.no>

scm3775@tamsun.tamu.edu (Sean Malloy) (02/08/91)

>>	 Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that
>> uses C?  I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of
>> books.  I'm aware that most introduction to programming books use
>> Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as their language, but I haven't seen
>> anybooks that start a novice out directly with C.
>>	 The purpose of this is to help someone I know who intends to
>> teach an introduction to programming class in C (it was formerly
>> taught in Pascal).
>C is not well suited for first time programmers due to its intimacy
>with the hardware.  It's better to learn some assembly language and
>then "discover" the power of C by a little induction than to be given
>the crypticity of C to handle in addition to learning what a loop is
>good for.

I'm afraid that I have to agree with the above gentleman; C is not
generally good for first-time students unless they have a basic
knowledge of the hardware underneath.  I assume that you're wanting to
use (probably) Turbo C on PC's.  Check out _C Through Design_ by
Defenbaugh & Smedley.  It's being used for an introductory-level
class in C here at Texas A&M (Though prior programming experience is
reccommended for these students, this seems to be laziness on the
part of the instructor, and not a shortcoming in the book).  For
hardware background, I'd suggest _Peter Norton's Programmer's
Guide to the IBM PC/PS2_  (at least excerpts - students should
be familiar with what's available in the BIOS before jumping into
some of the more advanced features of C; it makes life easier, and
it makes students realize that there's more than one way to do things)


scs@adam.mit.edu (Steve Summit) (02/09/91)

In article <ENAG.91Feb8021615@holmenkollen.ifi.uio.no> enag@ifi.uio.no (Erik Naggum) writes:
>C is not well suited for first time programmers due to its intimacy
>with the hardware.

In article <11929@helios.TAMU.EDU> scm3775@tamsun.tamu.edu (Sean Malloy) writes:
>I'm afraid that I have to agree with the above gentleman; C is not
>generally good for first-time students unless they have a basic
>knowledge of the hardware underneath.

I agree that C is not a good first language; unfortunately I
don't know of a better one.  (C's popularity, applicability, and
availability overcome its drawbacks rather too effectively.)

However, it is not (I hope) necessary to think in lowest-level,
hardware terms to learn and use C effectively.  Were this in fact
necessary, C would be quite a failure as an HLL.  It is true that
most experts can and do think in hardware terms when programming
in C, whether they have to or not, and this way of thinking is
unfortunately often reflected in their teaching and writing.

My biggest complaint with most introductory C textbooks I've seen
is that they unabashedly explain everything in hardware terms,
referring to "machine addresses" and "word sizes."  Frequently,
they provide exercises which suggest that students write
deliberately nonportable, machine-dependent programs, either to
show why they don't work, or to discover parameters (word size,
endianness, etc.) of the student's machine.  This has got to be
bewildering to the beginner.

Furthermore, I believe that beginning (if not all) programmers
are very strongly influenced by the code they see while learning,
and that much of the deliberately awful code which is so often
presented ("See how bad this is?  Now don't you ever write
anything like this!") actually ends up being emulated.  If you
never see good code, what else can you do but emulate the bad
code you've seen, resigning yourself to the apparent fact that
programming is an ugly job?  (Several people will now point out
that, like it or not, one has to be able to read bad code, and
that books like The C Puzzle Book are therefore Good Things.
Perhaps we can avoid having that argument again.)

Dave Lebling tells the story of the Zork player who believed
that, in every game, you had to press the blue button, flooding
the FCD#3 control room, and then hastily fix the leaky pipe with
the gunk from the tube that looks like toothpaste before
continuing with the rest of the game.  How many programmers
believe that they have no choice but to write code which depends
on the machine they're using, and that rewriting it for other
machines is just a fact of life?  As Kernighan and Ritchie say,
and I am fond of quoting, "if you don't know _how_ [things] are
done on various machines, that innocence may help to protect you."

Getting back to whether or not you need to think about the
hardware in order to understand C, here's a frequent question
which is often answered in low-level, hardware terms:

     Q:	I had the declaration char a[5] in one source file, and
	in another I declared extern char *a.  Why didn't it work?

Curious people are often dissatisfied with a blanket answer like

     A:	The declaration extern char *a simply does not match the
	actual definition.  The type "pointer-to-type-T" is not
	the same as "array-of-type-T."  Use extern char a[].

They want to know WHY.  We have to explain that, given

	char a[5];
	char *p;

the expressions a[3] and p[3] generate significantly different
code.  We can (I think) make a perfectly clear explanation by
discussing the abstract machine on which C is based, without
appealing to actual hardware terms.  The discussion (and, yes,
I'm planning on adding it to the FAQ list) goes like this:

"When we say char a[5], we are requesting that a place for five
characters be set aside, to be known by the name `a'.  That is,
there is a location named `a' at which five characters can sit.
When the compiler sees the expression a[3], it emits code to
start at the location `a', move three past it, and fetch the
character there.

On the other hand, when we say char *p, we are requesting a place
which holds a pointer.  The pointer is to be known by the name
`p', and can point to any char (or contiguous array of chars)
anywhere.  When the compiler sees the expression p[3], it emits
code to start at the location p, fetch the pointer there, add
three to it, and finally fetch the character pointed to."

As usual, a picture is worth a thousand words (they're just hard
to draw well in ASCII):

	a: | h | e | l | l | o |

	   +-----+     +---+---+---+---+---+
	p: |  *======> | w | o | r | l | d |
	   +-----+     +---+---+---+---+---+

We can see right away that both a[3] and p[3] are 'l', but that
you get there differently.

I don't claim to have invented this label, box, and pointer
notation; it's used often.  (As I recall, there's a nice pic
picture much like this in chapter 5 of K&R2.)

Now, a lot of you are probably saying "wait a minute, he said he
was going to explain it without resorting to hardware terms, and
he turned right around and explained it in hardware terms."
Though I was careful to use words like "location" and "place"
instead of "address" and "memory," I have to admit that the
discussion is still pretty low level.  Notice, however, that I
didn't muddy the water by saying "suppose location `a' is address
0x1234," and I avoided saying exactly how big that box that holds
a pointer is.  I think anyone who has ever used a pocket
calculator has some notion of a "register," namely a little box
that can hold values; and no matter what computer language you're
learning, you're bound to think about "values" being stored in
"variables" that have "names."

The point is that yes, you have to think about locations, values,
arrays, pointers, and the like; but no, you don't have to talk
about "the hardware," that ints are 16 bits, that pointers are
really addresses consisting of a segment and an offset, that when
you add an int to an int * the compiler actually scales it by
sizeof(int), or any of those other "explanations" which somehow
only manage to make things more complicated and harder to

I don't want to sound like a knee-jerk C defender; C *is* hard to
learn, and the criticism that it is not a good beginner's
language is entirely valid.  But, next time you try to teach
somebody about C (or, if you're still learning, next time you do
any reading or work on a program) just think about those little
boxes and labels, and don't worry about "the hardware."  If you
are assigned exercises to

	Write a program to discover the sizes of the various
	types on your machine


	Explain the behavior of

		int i = 5;
		printf("%d %d %d\n", i++, i++, i++ + i++);

, refuse to do them.

The thinking about little boxes and labels that you do in C can
be tricker than the equivalent little boxes and labels in BASIC,
because there are more things you can do in C.  But it doesn't
have to be as complicated as it is often made out to be.  And
stay away from the hardware terminology!

                                            Steve Summit

bangell%peruvian.utah.edu@cs.utah.edu (Bob Angell) (02/09/91)

I too am a rookie C programmer who used a variety of books.....(yes EVEN -C Through Design_ which I thought would be better used for the fire-place this winter)

K&R along with other texts have been very useful, however, the only real way to learn any language is to go at it slow and just start using it.  There will be times when you forget to open files, etc (C allows even the most stupid of things trick you into believing that they work).

If you stick to books like K & R, any from the waite group and even Microsoft Press (I am not affiliated with MS in any way!) they will help you the most as they have done the same for me.  Good luck!      


uunet !peruvian.utah.edu!bangell

mike (02/10/91)

In an article, scs@adam.mit.edu writes:
>My biggest complaint with most introductory C textbooks I've seen
>is that they unabashedly explain everything in hardware terms,
>referring to "machine addresses" and "word sizes." [...]

Generally speaking, I agree with what you posted.  However, C students
do have to learn about various machine differences, and how to deal
with them.  I wouldn't say that it should be an objective in the first
couple of classes, but better sooner than later.  To write portable
code, the use of values.h and sys/types.h is essential, and shouldn't
be left as an afterthought.

One thing I have noticed in C classes is that the educator spends a
moderate amount of time on statements and order of evaluation, a _very_
long time on pointers, structures, linked lists, etc., and very little
time talking about the importance of portability.  The header files
are treated like magical black boxes.  All of the sample programs include
stdio.h, but they never explain to the student _why_ this is done.

The fact that machine differences are ignored is a Bad Thing.  The student
should know _why_ MAXINT on their IBM PC/AT is 32767 and MAXINT on their
IBM RT is 2147483647.  My feeling is that it _is_ an important aspect
of the language, and deserves equal attention.  Programmers who lean on
black box assumptions (without the foggiest notion of why what they are
doing works) are not good programmers.
Michael Stefanik                       | Opinions stated are not even my own.
Systems Engineer, Briareus Corporation | UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
technoignorami (tek'no-ig'no-ram`i) a group of individuals that are constantly
found to be saying things like "Well, it works on my DOS machine ..."

py198723@academ01.mty.itesm.mx (Jesus Eugenio Sanchez) (02/10/91)

peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu writes:

>	Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
>I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
>that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
>their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
>with C.

	The problem with the approach you're trying to do is that C is
definitely *not* a language for novice programmers. You have to know all
about functions, data structures, and all that parafernalia. So, perhaps
you have no choice: first learn Pascal, and then C. Not the other way

				Eugenio Sanchez

john@nereid.jpl.nasa.gov (John Veregge) (02/10/91)

peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu writes:

>	Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
>I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
>that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
>their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
>with C.

Actually I learned both C and pascal (and fortran) the same quarter at
UC San Diego. I am no genius (Hell, I wasn't even smart enough to stay in
in school!) but I can program well and most of what I know came from books
and magazines, not experience or classes. My first C book was "A Book on C"
by Al Kelly and Ira Pohl. It was an excellent book that I still enjoy
reading. The authors made no assumptions, and the text flows almost like
well written prose. It is a very nice beginners book.

A good second book (or companion text) is "The C Companion" by Allen Holub.
This book presumes prior knowledge of C, but is written to further explain
the more esoteric and powerful aspects of C to beginners. There is a
presumption that the book's audience is conversant, but not fully fluent
in C. Back then I did not understand how pointers work, since the concepts
were quite alien to me. After reading this book I was able to re-write
a quicksort program from my C class and code away all the array offsets
into pointer in/decrements. This may sound trivial, but try recalling when
you were a beginner, I'll bet pointers were not so trivial to you then.
This book discusses the tools we use (compiler, linker, make, etc), binary
arithmetic, assembly language (using a pseudo code), pointers, advanced
pointers, recursion, programming style, debugging, and an analysis of

I cannot recommend these two books enough. I can also recommend many more,
but you did stipulate books for the rank beginner. {-:

I would (as a final gasp) compare "A Book On C" to "Oh Pascal".
The differences  are that the pascal text is wordy, humorous, and moves
at a slower pace. I prefered the pace of the C text. I think the pascal
text is one of, if not the, best beginning programming textbooks. But, I
did find the pace of it a might slow. Of course, your mileage may differ.

John R Veregge                 Section 348 - Flight Command and Data
Jet Propulsion Laboratory      Management (Technology Development)
Calif Institute of Technology  Mail stop: T1704, Office: T1704-P
4800 Oak Grove Drive           Phone: (818) 354-0511, FAX: 393-4494
Pasadena, CA, USA 91109        john@triton.jpl.nasa.gov

enag@ifi.uio.no (Erik Naggum) (02/10/91)

In article <1991Feb9.042957.20160@athena.mit.edu>, Steve Summit writes:
> In article <ENAG.91Feb8021615@holmenkollen.ifi.uio.no>, Erik Naggum writes:
> >C is not well suited for first time programmers due to its intimacy
> >with the hardware.

> In article <11929@helios.TAMU.EDU>, Sean Malloy writes:
> >I'm afraid that I have to agree with the above gentleman; C is not
> >generally good for first-time students unless they have a basic
> >knowledge of the hardware underneath.


> My biggest complaint with most introductory C textbooks I've seen
> is that they unabashedly explain everything in hardware terms,
> referring to "machine addresses" and "word sizes."  Frequently,
> they provide exercises which suggest that students write
> deliberately nonportable, machine-dependent programs, either to
> show why they don't work, or to discover parameters (word size,
> endianness, etc.) of the student's machine.  This has got to be
> bewildering to the beginner.

There is a big difference between C being "intimate with the hardware"
in terms and definition and that its users have to have "a basic
knowledge of the hardware underneath".  I agree with Steve that
explaining things in specific hardware terms is not conducive to the
kind of understanding we seek, but knowledge of the von Neumann
architecture, of the stored-program computer model, of memory and
addresses, in short, of basic hardware functionality, is quite
necessary for a true appreciation of the language.  Now, this is miles
apart from "the hardware underneath", which is what most authors grab
and hold on to like life belts.  I'm not talking about _one_specific_
_hardware_, but of the _kind_of_hardware_ C is intimate with.

Only today, I spent some five hours explaining, in great detail and
with much code to support the narrative, why alignment requirements is
such a big problem, and why, if you do your own memory allocation, you
need to be very much aware of it, even worry about it.  This problem
can be dealt with in the abstract, without resorting to specific
hardware design or some specific alignment requirements.  Of course,
_examples_ come in handy, but you should get something out of them,
too, not just an enumeration of them; I'm a firm believer in teaching
by inductive methods.

> Furthermore, I believe that beginning (if not all) programmers are
> very strongly influenced by the code they see while learning, and
> that much of the deliberately awful code which is so often presented
> ... actually ends up being emulated.  If you never see good code,
> what else can you do but emulate the bad code you've seen, resigning
> yourself to the apparent fact that programming is an ugly job?

I'm happy to see that others express so well my heartfelt desire to
see people _read_ more (good) code.  Thanks, Steve.

> The thinking about little boxes and labels that you do in C can be
> trick[i]er than the equivalent little boxes and labels in BASIC,
> because there are more things you can do in C.  But it doesn't have
> to be as complicated as it is often made out to be.  And stay away
> from the hardware terminology!

I found the text I deleted above this paragraph well written and
argued, but here I must voice some concern over your recommendation.
Pointers _are_ addresses, and objects _do_ take up memory, and memory
is what we allocate, it does end, etc.  We even have the _address_of_
operator!  C has a _register_ keyword, etc.  These concepts have to be
tied to their hardware entities, but my advise is to build proper
concepts, not just the "replace `register' with `AX', `BX', etc." way
of thinking you find in some places.  (I explicitly recommended
against one of those places/authors, and the example could well be
construed as a pointer to such places in general.)  I would favor a
description more like "registers are special, very fast memory,
severely limited in quantity, closer to the CPU than other memory,
used by the CPU for intermediate results among other things that
require high speed."  Then some pointers (!) to real life registers on
extant hardware.

C is a language which remains intimate with hardware _concepts_, which
the user must master, but "unwarranted chumminess" with the specific
machine hardware is of course an impediment to real understanding.

I'm sorry if it looked as if I favored hardware specifics over a more
general conceptualization of the topic.  The rest of my article would
have dispelled such an interpretation, I hoped.

[Erik Naggum]					     <enag@ifi.uio.no>
Naggum Software, Oslo, Norway			   <erik@naggum.uu.no>

enag@ifi.uio.no (Erik Naggum) (02/10/91)

In article <1991Feb8.221802.22573@hellgate.utah.edu>, Bob Angell writes:
> K&R along with other texts have been very useful, however, the only
> real way to learn any language is to go at it slow and just start
> using it.  There will be times when you forget to open files, etc (C
> allows even the most stupid of things trick you into believing that
> they work).

Not to be nasty, but my point is that a little more exposure to C code
before writing any would be a Good Thing.  Understanding C code
written by others should be more rewarding than writing your own more
or less meaningless example programs, I think.  It's like reading a
difficult math text and suddenly grasping something, as opposed to sit
down and figure out differential calculus just because you want to
design a tackle with rope and pulleys.  The latter can be practical
and immensely rewarding, but you're going to spend some time sweating,
much more than you would need to do if you listened to the people who
figure it out before you.  (Of course, to solidify your new knowledge,
practice is needed!)

Maybe my basic complaint is that programmers refuse to learn from the
experience of prior actors in the field, or that that is the way the
subject is approached.

A few years ago, I met a very bright girl who wanted to become an
author, and almost everything she did was motivated with "I need to
read (about) this because I will need it to become an author."  It was
pure delight to watch her progress.  She asked me how she could
approach my field of interest (programming languages, communications,
text processing, standardization), and I was not able to find any
material which would enable her to read about any of these topics with
the intent to understand their nature rather than their minute
details.  Such books exist in almost all the other fields I've played
(economics, finance, linguistics, psychology, philosophy, marketing,
law, ...).  Perhaps this is just too young a discipline, yet.

...just lamenting, I guess.

[Erik Naggum]					     <enag@ifi.uio.no>
Naggum Software, Oslo, Norway			   <erik@naggum.uu.no>

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) (02/11/91)

In article <ENAG.91Feb10063530@holmenkollen.ifi.uio.no> enag@ifi.uio.no (Erik Naggum) writes:
>... I was not able to find any
>material which would enable her to read about any of these topics with
>the intent to understand their nature rather than their minute details.

Such books do exist.  The one I most liked was Ted Nelson's "Computer
Lib/Dream Machines", in its original form (not so much the recently
issued new edition).

Your concern is a standard problem for the "technical" disciplines;
introductory textbooks invariably assume that "somehow" one has already
made an irreversible commitment to study hard to become a professional
in the field, so they plow into details with insufficient motivation.
The books that try to serve as "X for Poets", on the other hand, try to
avoid using even the level of mathematics that is supposedly taught in
our public schools, even when there is no good substitute for some
simple mathematics.  Thus a large segment of the non-technical populace
comes to think that the technical areas proceed by the same sort of
fuzzy reasoning that dominates their fields, leading to such absurdities
as taking "it hasn't yet been shown that doing Y does not destroy the
ecology" as all the evidence they need to condemn doing Y.

kers@hplb.hpl.hp.com (Chris Dollin) (02/11/91)

mike@bria writes:

   ................................................  To write portable
   code, the use of values.h and sys/types.h is essential, and shouldn't
   be left as an afterthought.

Use "values.h" or "sys/types.h" on *my* machine [*1], and your code won't
compile at all; I have a plain ANSI C compiler, and neither of those names
appear to be in the standard.

Is their general agreement on the contents of these headers, and some formal or
informal method for propagating them? [Or am I unwitting about to start the
Great [Bb]ool{ean} Wars again?]

[*1] An Acorn Archimides (A440) running RISC OS 2.

Regards, Kers.      | "You're better off  not dreaming of  the things to come;
Caravan:            | Dreams  are always ending  far too soon."

ekalenda@cup.portal.com (Edward John Kalenda) (02/12/91)

peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu writes:
> 	Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
> I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
> that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
> their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
> with C.

I must differ with all the other postings about C being a poor language
for the first time programmer to learn. It is a complicated language,
IF you dump all the features on the student at once. I have successfully
taught several people with NO programming experience the C language. The
trick is to convince them the computer will not do what you want it to do,
only what you tell it, and you must tell it in GREAT detail.

Most of the time I only use the K&R white book and the runtime reference
manual that goes with the compiler in use. "Learning to Program in C" by
Thomas Plum (Plum Hall, Inc.  ISBN 0-911537-00-7) is not bad.

Teach them the basic constructs, add structures about 2/3 through the class,
spend the last two weeks discussing the power features like pointer
arithmatic (sp?), passing addresses of scalers to functions, hardware
details like short/int/long relative sizes, unions, typedefs, pre-processor
macros, and mixed language programming. They can always get into the stuff
that will confuse them in an intermediate C class.


karl@ima.isc.com (Karl Heuer) (02/13/91)

In article <KERS.91Feb11094224@cdollin.hpl.hp.com> kers@hplb.hpl.hp.com (Chris Dollin) writes:
>mike@bria writes:
>>To write portable code, the use of values.h and sys/types.h is essential,
>Use "values.h" or "sys/types.h" on *my* machine [*1], and your code won't
>compile at all; I have a plain ANSI C compiler, and neither of those names
>appear to be in the standard.
>Is their general agreement on the contents of these headers...?

<sys/types.h> is defined by the POSIX standard.  Types that are useful to a
pure ANSI C program are already defined in ANSI headers (e.g. time_t in
<time.h>), so there's no need for <sys/types.h> here.  And you should use
<limits.h> rather than <values.h> if you want portability.%

Karl W. Z. Heuer (karl@ima.isc.com or uunet!ima!karl), The Walking Lint
% Even on a pre-ANSI system.  There are PD configuration tools that will
  build <limits.h> for you.

marwk@levels.sait.edu.au (02/13/91)

In article <39182@cup.portal.com>, ekalenda@cup.portal.com (Edward John Kalenda) writes:
> peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu writes:
>>      Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
>> I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
>> that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
>> their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
>> with C.
> I must differ with all the other postings about C being a poor language
> for the first time programmer to learn. It is a complicated language,
> IF you dump all the features on the student at once. I have successfully
> taught several people with NO programming experience the C language. The
> trick is to convince them the computer will not do what you want it to do,
> only what you tell it, and you must tell it in GREAT detail.
> Most of the time I only use the K&R white book and the runtime reference
> manual that goes with the compiler in use. "Learning to Program in C" by
> Thomas Plum (Plum Hall, Inc.  ISBN 0-911537-00-7) is not bad.
> Teach them the basic constructs, add structures about 2/3 through the class,
> spend the last two weeks discussing the power features like pointer
> arithmatic (sp?), passing addresses of scalers to functions, hardware
> details like short/int/long relative sizes, unions, typedefs, pre-processor
> macros, and mixed language programming. They can always get into the stuff
> that will confuse them in an intermediate C class.
> Ed
> ekalenda@cup.portal.com

K&R has got to be the worst book for learning C for a beginner that I have
seen!  I used it to advance my knowledge, but it gave me headaches years ago
when I wanted to learn the language.

The book by KELLY and POHL: TUBO C: The Essentials of C programming
is one of the best I have ever seen (for the beginner).

Its method of explaining programs by dissection is excellent - voluminous
details for each line a program.

The problems in each chapter are nice and easy adn complement the chapters
extremely well.

There is no need to use TURBO C as there is very little that pertains to
it specifically.  I believe there is also a product-nonspecific book
available too.

University of South Australia   | Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
P.O. Box 1                      | Ghing thien me how, ming thien gung me how.
Ingle Farm                      | Knobs, knobs everywhere,
South Australia                 |              just vary a knob to think!

pete@minster.york.ac.uk (02/14/91)

peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu writes:
> 	Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
> I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
> that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
> their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
> with C.

Although it's not a _complete_ beginner's book one of the best intros
to C must be Kelley & Pohl's ``C By Dissection'' (Benjamin-Cummings, 86
or 87). It explains everything the novice needs to know to get going on
a Unix C environment (dunno if there are other machine-specific
versions) in a detailed and clear fashion. I bought it years ago solely
because because I couldn't find a copy of K&R, or Kelley & Pohl's ``A
Book On C'', but I've since recommended it to several people who wanted
to learn C. It's less advanced than either of these - but pretty good
for novices and not too bad for experienced programmers moving over to
C for the first time.

(besides, if your novices get enthusiastic you can always point them at
something more useful like Harbison & Steele -- or, preferably,
Stroustrup :-))

	Pete Fenelon
Pete Fenelon		 |JANET:   pete@uk.ac.york.minster
Dept. of Computer Science|Internet:pete@minster.york.ac.uk
University of York	 |UUCP:    {the world}!ukc!minster!pete 
York Y01 5DD ENGLAND	 |others:  pete%minster.york.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Tel: +44 904 432714      |Beer of the week:Mitchell's Single Malt Winter Warmer

mike (02/14/91)

In an article, levels.sait.edu.au!marwk writes:
>K&R has got to be the worst book for learning C for a beginner that I have
>seen!  I used it to advance my knowledge, but it gave me headaches years ago
>when I wanted to learn the language.

I personally found it to be an _excellent_ book when learning C.  One of
the things that I greatly dislike in many of the C books that are out today
is the focus on cute pictures and sayings (here is a how a structure is
declared, see the cute little elf holding up the structure in the diagram ...)

As it is said, C is not a big language, and is not served well by "big"
books that cram page after page of diagrams, flowcharts, etc. etc. ad nauseum.
The best companion is K&P's (as in "Pike") "Software Tools".  If you can
snag some of the old Tool's ratfor goodies as well, more power to you.

On the bit about starting out in Pascal vs. starting out in C, I would
say that C would give the budding programmer the advantage in life.
Agreed, the hill is steeper to climb, but once you're on top, you can
definately get a better view of the world.  One of the big complaints is
that the concept of the pointer is overwhelming to C neophytes.  The
reason why is because so many other langauges go through great contortions
to "insulate" you from the reality of memory and addresses.  Feel free
to flame on, but IMHO programmers program _machines_.  Anything that
goes to great lengths to insulate you from the machine is deprivation.
It's just a matter of how much deprivation is useful, and how much is not.
Michael Stefanik                       | Opinions stated are not even my own.
Systems Engineer, Briareus Corporation | UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
technoignorami (tek'no-ig'no-ram`i) a group of individuals that are constantly
found to be saying things like "Well, it works on my DOS machine ..."

datangua@watmath.waterloo.edu (David Tanguay) (02/14/91)

In article <431@bria> uunet!bria!mike writes:
>I personally found [K&R] to be an _excellent_ book when learning C.  One of
>the things that I greatly dislike in many of the C books that are out today
>is the focus on cute pictures and sayings (here is a how a structure is
>declared, see the cute little elf holding up the structure in the diagram ...)

I, too, very much appreciated K&R's brevity when I first learned C.
I think it is a good book to learn C from. It may not be so good to learn
programming from. (Which did the original poster want?)

>One of the big complaints is
>that the concept of the pointer is overwhelming to C neophytes.  The
>reason why is because so many other langauges go through great contortions
>to "insulate" you from the reality of memory and addresses. 

I originally learned B (although C followed soon thereafter). I never had
any problems with the concept of a pointer, or pointer arithmetic: in fact,
they seemed quite natural. So I don't think teaching beginners about
pointers will be a problem (if they truly are beginners). It may not be
the right thing to do (many see pointers as EVIL), but if your students
haven't been "poisoned" by Pascal or Basic it should be a fairly easy
concept to get across.
David Tanguay            Software Development Group, University of Waterloo

arnold@audiofax.com (Arnold Robbins) (02/15/91)

In article <431@bria> uunet!bria!mike writes:
>As it is said, C is not a big language, and is not served well by "big"
>books that cram page after page of diagrams, flowcharts, etc. etc. ad nauseum.
>The best companion is K&P's (as in "Pike") "Software Tools".  If you can
>snag some of the old Tool's ratfor goodies as well, more power to you.

The "P" is for Plauger, as in P.J.  Both the original "Software Tools",
and the later "Software Tools in Pascal" should be on *every* serious
Unix programmer's bookshelf.  Brian Kernighan did write "The UNIX Programming
Environment" with Rob Pike, and that book is sometimes referred to as "K&P",
but the Software Tools books are usually just referred to by their titles.
Not to mention, "The Elements of Programming Style, 2nd Edition", also
by Kernighan and Plauger.

In general, anything with Brian Kernighan as a co-author is worth buying,
and reading, at least twice.
Arnold Robbins				AudioFAX, Inc. | Laundry increases
2000 Powers Ferry Road, #200 / Marietta, GA. 30067     | exponentially in the
INTERNET: arnold@audiofax.com Phone:   +1 404 933 7612 | number of children.
UUCP:	  emory!audfax!arnold Fax-box: +1 404 618 4581 |   -- Miriam Robbins

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/15/91)

In article <431@bria> uunet!bria!mike writes:
>[...]  The
>reason why is because so many other langauges go through great contortions
>to "insulate" you from the reality of memory and addresses.  Feel free
>to flame on, but IMHO programmers program _machines_.  Anything that
>goes to great lengths to insulate you from the machine is deprivation.
>It's just a matter of how much deprivation is useful, and how much is not.

The whole purpose of programming languages is to abstract the details of
implementation as much as possible.  In any new programming language, three
interlocked issues have to be addressed: safety, speed, and expressability.

For instance, you can make Pascal more expressable by including an address-of
operator (like C's &), but only at the cost of speed.  Similarly, C can be made
more safe but less expressive by removing the & operator. Index checking yeilds
a safety/speed trade-off, and recursion yeilds a speed/expressability

I would submit that for any language, if you want one of these to be high, you
have to sacrifice one or both of the others.  Now, to what extent depends on
a complex interaction of the current state of compiler theory, available
machines, and the skill of the implementor.

As we can see, various available languages provide a different compromise of
these three parameters: C has speed and expressability at the expense of
safety, while Pascal chooses safety, and to a lesser extend speed, at the
expense of expressability.  BASIC chooses safety way above the others.

Thus, we can see that the abstraction mechanism provided by modern programming
languages is a trade off of safety for expressability and safety.  The notion
that we program machines, IMHO, is wrong.  We program algorithms.  At it's
highest level, no algorithm deals with memory, or addresses, or anything so
concrete.  At this level, programming is utterly abstract.

Now for the average programmer, language choice is merely a matter of "what do
I know/what is available?".  For a serious programmer/computer scientist,
language choice is a matter of "what fits the problem".

>Michael Stefanik                       | Opinions stated are not even my own.
>Systems Engineer, Briareus Corporation | UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
Dave Schaumann      | DANGER: Access holes may tear easily.  Use of the access
		    | holes for lifting or carrying may result in damage to the
dave@cs.arizona.edu | carton and subsequent injury to the user.

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/15/91)

In article <860@caslon.cs.arizona.edu> dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) writes:
>For instance, you can make Pascal more expressable by including an address-of
>operator (like C's &), but only at the cost of speed. [...]
Oops.  This should have been "safety" ------------|
Dave Schaumann      | DANGER: Access holes may tear easily.  Use of the access
		    | holes for lifting or carrying may result in damage to the
dave@cs.arizona.edu | carton and subsequent injury to the user.

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) (02/15/91)

In article <431@bria> uunet!bria!mike writes:
>The best companion is K&P's (as in "Pike") "Software Tools".

Undoubtedly there will be other corrections to this, but as proud owner
of autographed copies of these books I can tell you definitively that
"Software Tools" is by Kernighan and Plauger.  Kernighan and Pike's
book is "The UNIX Programming Environment".  I agree that they are
excellent, but they serve different audiences.  "Software Tools" was
published when access to C and UNIX was not widespread, in an attempt
to bring the power of the UNIX environment and toolkit philosophy to
the "rest of us".  It made Fortran tolerable by introducing the RatFor
language and a preprocessor that turned RatFor into ordinary Fortran.
A "Software Tools Users' Group" appeared on the scene and helped make
such tools widely available.  The need for RatFor these days is much
less, since C is widespread now, although the UNIX toolkit approach is
still not as prevalent as it deserves to be.  A later book by Kernighan
and Plauger, "Software Tools in Pascal", was essentially a rewrite of
the earlier "Software Tools" using Pascal instead of Ratfor (and of
course omitting the Ratfor preprocessor implementation chapter).  There
is no "Software Tools in C", which would be close to publishing some of
the UNIX source code, although I am sure such a book would be welcome.
"The UNIX Programming Environment" is targeted specifically at UNIX
application developers, with considerable emphasis on exploiting
existing tools.

mike (02/16/91)

In an article, cs.arizona.edu!dave (Dave P. Schaumann) writes:
>In article <431@bria> uunet!bria!mike writes:
>>[...]  The
>>reason why is because so many other langauges go through great contortions
>>to "insulate" you from the reality of memory and addresses.  Feel free
>>to flame on, but IMHO programmers program _machines_.  Anything that
>>goes to great lengths to insulate you from the machine is deprivation.
>>It's just a matter of how much deprivation is useful, and how much is not.
>The whole purpose of programming languages is to abstract the details of
>implementation as much as possible.  In any new programming language, three
>interlocked issues have to be addressed: safety, speed, and expressability.

This is true enough.

>Thus, we can see that the abstraction mechanism provided by modern programming
>languages is a trade off of safety for expressability and safety.  The notion
>that we program machines, IMHO, is wrong.  We program algorithms.  At it's
>highest level, no algorithm deals with memory, or addresses, or anything so
>concrete.  At this level, programming is utterly abstract.

I would think of it terms of "conceptualizing" algorithms, not "programming"
them.  When I write a program, I am "communicating" with a machine (or more
than machine), asking it to do some activity on my behalf.  The algorithm is
the _way_ that I ask, not the specifically the act of asking in of itself.

My point, however, had more of a religious tinge.  I fear that we have been
training programmers to think _only_ in the lofty, abstract concepts of
"lists", "structures", "objects", etc.  IMHO, this is half a progammer.  Yes,
you need to be able to conceptualize and implement these algorithms, but
you should also know _how_ the machine is doing it.

Steve Jobs has made comments that computers should be like telephones; everyone
has one, and it's treated like a magical black box by most.  This is fine for
the public at large, but not for programmers.  Ultra-specialization is simply
an excuse for ignorance.  Obviously not everyone can know everything about
everything, but at least a vague idea is a start in the right direction.

Encountering students who only think in terms of variables and functions
is somewhat disquieting.  Especially when that have no idea what the
difference is between stack, bss, and data space.  A while ago, I was talking
to a person who was completely confused over this:

	int	(*some_func)();

		some_func = some_extern_func;

Since 'some_func' was not the name given to any function in the program,
he was completely lost on how it could be used.  Having your head so deeply
entrenched in the lofty clouds of algorithms, not knowing _how_ what
you are doing works, is like being able to do differential equations but
needing a calculator to help to add a column of numbers.

>Now for the average programmer, language choice is merely a matter of "what do
>I know/what is available?".  For a serious programmer/computer scientist,
>language choice is a matter of "what fits the problem".

Acutally, I would think that language choice depends on what your _employer_
uses for a language (unless you're self-employed, that is).

You made some excellent points, and I agree with them.  However, lets not
become _too_ abstract and disasociate ourselves from the machine in favor
of some purely conceptual utopia.

>Dave Schaumann      | DANGER: Access holes may tear easily.  Use of the access
>                    | holes for lifting or carrying may result in damage to the
>dave@cs.arizona.edu | carton and subsequent injury to the user.
Michael Stefanik, MGI Inc., Los Angeles| Opinions stated are not even my own.
Title of the week: Systems Engineer    | UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
Remember folks: If you can't flame MS-DOS, then what _can_ you flame?

fu043@zeus.unomaha.edu (02/17/91)

[a lot of previous discussion deleted]
> K&R has got to be the worst book for learning C for a beginner that I have
> seen!  I used it to advance my knowledge, but it gave me headaches years ago
> when I wanted to learn the language.
> The book by KELLY and POHL: TUBO C: The Essentials of C programming
> is one of the best I have ever seen (for the beginner).
> Its method of explaining programs by dissection is excellent - voluminous
> details for each line a program.
> The problems in each chapter are nice and easy adn complement the chapters
> extremely well.
> There is no need to use TURBO C as there is very little that pertains to
> it specifically.  I believe there is also a product-nonspecific book
> available too.
> Ray
> --
> University of South Australia   | Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
> P.O. Box 1                      | Ghing thien me how, ming thien gung me how.
> Ingle Farm                      | Knobs, knobs everywhere,
> South Australia                 |              just vary a knob to think!

I am not a novice, but I am a novice to C.  I'm currently enrolled in an O/S
course in which I am required to write in C, and the recommended C book we use
seems to be exactly what the original poster is looking for.  It is called
"A Book on C" (second edition) and was written by Al Kelley and Ira Pohl.  The
book does not presuppose any prior knowledge of programming, and starts out with
the very basics - yet it is organized in such a way that anyone with prior
experience (like me) could look up directly what they wanted to know.  The
sample programs are quite simple, with excellant explanations.  I also very
much like the fact that there are optional sections dealing with some UNIX 
and Turbo C fundamentals, if one of those is the platform that C is running on.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to be used for an INTRO I and/or
INTRO II programming curriculum.  I wish my own school had used it instead of
having Pascal for its intro courses.  The ISBN number is 0-8053-0060-0.

Jim McMahon

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) (02/17/91)

In article <444@bria> uunet!bria!mike writes:
>My point, however, had more of a religious tinge.  I fear that we have been
>training programmers to think _only_ in the lofty, abstract concepts of
>"lists", "structures", "objects", etc.  IMHO, this is half a progammer.  Yes,
>you need to be able to conceptualize and implement these algorithms, but
>you should also know _how_ the machine is doing it.

I think there is some merit to both, but "should" is a useless assertion
unless you're prepared to show why, i.e. what it would accomplish.  I
think many people are concerned that an over-emphasis on the machine-
architectural aspects of C programming has produced a crop of programmers
who produce unnecessarily unportable code, which is not simply an
aesthetic issue but has considerable practical impact.

My advice would be that the expert C programmer should, in almost all
circumstances, understand SEVERAL ways in which the code could actually
be realized as the outcome of reasonable compilation in a variety of
radically different system environments.  Understanding the probable
practical impact of his code, he should then not worry about optimizing
it for any PARTICULAR architecture, but rather simply be comfortable
with its general level of performance in ANY reasonable environment.
This frees the programmer to concentrate on the really important
design and implementation issues, which are of a more abstract nature.

>	int	(*some_func)();
>Since 'some_func' was not the name given to any function in the program,
>he was completely lost on how it could be used.

I don't know what the fellow's conceptual problem was, but the name of
a pointer variable should be clearly distinguishable from other names
that can be used to access specific pointed-to contents, purely from an
abstract understanding of these issues.  Indeed, in the Good Old Days
we used to use pointer abstractions in languages such as Algol quite
successfully without having to understand anything about the details
of any implementation.  While it was entertaining and instructive to
learn something about, say, the manner of employing the unusual
features of the Burroughs B5700 architecture to support high-level
languages, it was normally not essential that one know these details
in order to program effectively.

I would agree that a professional programmer who does not know
anything about how high-level language constructs are mapped onto
machine architectures exhibits a serious deficiency in the breadth of
his training.  There are numerous books that can be used to remedy this.