jrrt@hogpd.UUCP (11/21/83)
FANTASIA MATHEMATICA (edited by Clifton Fadiman): ODD NUMBERS Huxley, Aldous Young Archimedes Koestler, Arthur Pythagoras and the Psychoanalyst Llewellyn, Richard Mother and the Decimal Point Cabell, James Branch Jurgen Proves It by Mathematics Wells, H. G. Peter Learns Arithmetic Plato Socrates and the Slave Capek, Karel Death of Archimedes IMAGINARIES Porges, Arthur Devil and Simon Flagg Heinlein, Robert A. And He Built a Crooked House Maloney, Russell Inflexible Logic Gardner, Martin No-Sided Professor Clarke, Arthur C. Superiority Nearing, H., Jr. Mathematical Voodoo Brown, Fredric Expedition Breuer, Miles J. Captured Cross-Section Upson, William Hazlett A. Botts and the Moebius Strip Balchin, Nicholas God and the Machine Mitchell, Edward Page Tachypomp Gardner, Martin Island of Five Colors Elliott, Bruce Last Magician Deutsch, A. J. Subway Named Moebius Lasswitz, Kurt Universal Library Ley, Willy Postscript to "The Universal Library" Keeler, Harry Stephen John Jones's Dollar FRACTIONS Quiller-Couch, Arthur New Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens Kornbluth, Cyril Unfortunate Topologist Eddington, Sir Arthur There Once Was a Breathy Baboon... Carroll, Lewis Yet What Are All... Barton, Ralph Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Marvell, Andrew Mathematical Love Morley, Christopher Circle Deeker, Thomas Circle and the Square Millay, Edna St.Vincent Euclid Alone Has Looked on Beauty Bare Lindsay, Vachel Euclid Housman, A. E. To Think That Two and Two Are Four Butler, Samuel Uses of Mathematics Sandburg, Carl Arithmetic Atherton, John Threes (To Be Sung by Niels Bohr) Rounds, Emma Plane Geometry Dingle, Herbert He Thought He Saw Electrons Swift Elliott, Bruce Fearsome Fable Hardy, G. H. Bertrand Russell's Dream Ogilvy, C. Stanley For All Practical Purposes Carroll, Lewis Eternity: A Nightmare Gamow, George Infinity of Guests Eddington, Sir Arthur <infinity symbol> (this is impossible on an HP!) Whewell, William No Power on Earth Poe, Edgar Allan (x + 1) Shanks, Edward Receptive Bosom Schnitzler, Arthur Leinbach's Proof The New Yorker Talk of the Town Mathematical Gazette Letter to Tennyson Mathematical Gazette Fable Anonymous There Was a Young Man from Trinity Anonymous There Was an Old Man Who Said "Do" Anonymous Relativity Anonymous There Was a Young Fellow Named Fisk