[comp.lang.c] Documentation

fbaube@note.nsf.GOV (Fred Baube) (07/31/87)

Does anyone have a scheme for documenting C with Ada ?
I have in mind the use of cpp commands to bring in
both Ada-style package and object declarations, and
the corresponding C .h's that had global definitions
and declarations of both data and functions.
I'll post a digest of any ruminations sent directly to me.

CPU1: How many humans does it take to multiply
      123456789L by 3.1415926535e00 ?
CPU2: Can they use their toes ?

scs@adam.mit.edu (Steve Summit) (03/15/91)

In article <!+%=PZ$@rpi.edu> fechuny@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (felix chung yau) writes:
>    I am a new programer in C and was wondering if someone could help me with
>a problem I have in using a two dimensional array.  I am currently using
>Microsoft Quick C and my problem is in dimensioning an integer array like
>test[400][400].  When I compile the program I get the message "allocation
>exceeds 64k".

This qualifies as a frequently-asked question (not to fault Felix
for having to ask it, though).  There is nothing particularly
unusual about asking for a 400x400 array; people do it all the

The "allocation exceeds 64k" message is concise enough, but it
leaves you without a clue as to how to proceed.  Even if you
check the handy-but-nearly-useless error message summary in the
QuickC Compiler Programmer's Guide (I confess with some
embarrassment that I have one right here) you find the helpful

	C2125	'identifier': allocation exceeds 64K

		The given item exceeds the size limit of 64K.

Should you happen to have the full-blown Microsoft C Compiler,
its error message reference adds the sentence

		The only items that are allowed to exceed 64K are
		huge arrays.

This at least suggests that you might want to go investigate the
"huge" keyword, which is one of the three recommended workarounds.

Vendors could do an awful lot better at providing truly useful
(not merely comprehensive, copious, or compendious) documentation.
Two popular but essentially mechanical techniques for producing
aspects of the documentation yield nearly useless results if done

     1.	Alphabetical lists of commands (keywords, command line
	options, etc.).

	These help only if you know the name of the command but
	have forgotten what it does.  If (as is more likely) you
	remember that the system can do something but have
	forgotten how to invoke it, you're out of luck unless you
	read through *all* the commands, looking for a
	description of the functionality you remember (or unless
	the reference manual has a useful index, which is never
	the case unless the author is Brian Kernighan).

	The nice thing about these command lists (from the
	developer's point of view) is that you can generate them
	definitively and mechanically from the parse tables or
	equivalent data structures in the source code.  But which
	is more important: whether the documentation is easy to
	write, or whether it is useful to the user?

     2.	Lists of error messages and "explanations."

	I've never understood what these were for, because all
	they ever contain are essentially wordier versions of the
	error messages.

	Again, these are attractive because they're easy to
	generate and you can brag about them (as if you spent a
	*lot* of *hard* work generating them!): "This appendix
	contains a list of *every* error message the system will
	ever generate."  (Great.  So what's it good for?  If I
	just wanted all the error messages I could run strings on
	the executable.)

Would it be too hard, when writing up these error message lists,
to spend a minute or two and *think* about the circumstances
under which a given error message might arise, and then try to
offer the user a bit of proactive advice?  How much more helpful
it would have been to say:

	C2125	'identifier': allocation exceeds 64K

		Under the PC's segmented architecture, single
		data objects cannot generally be larger than
		65,536 bytes in size.

		If a single data object must exceed 64K in size
		and must be allocated continuously, it must be
		declared with the huge qualifier (see page xx).
		Very large data structures can be dynamically
		allocated with the halloc() routine (see page yy).

		Whenever possible, it is preferable to break up a
		large data object so that its individual pieces
		do not exceed 64K.  For example, a very large
		two-dimensional array can be allocated using an
		array of pointers to subarrays, each smaller than
		64K.  Rather than

			double x[100][100];

		which would require 80,000 contiguous bytes, use

			double *x[100];
			for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
				x[i] = (double *)malloc(100 * sizeof(double));

		which will still let you access x[i][j].

Of course, the manual for a PC compiler would probably decline to
mention the third recommended workaround ("Get a Real Computer!").

This has nothing to do with C per se; followups should probably
go somewhere else.

                                            Steve Summit