[comp.lang.c] Need help on finding sources for ualarm

srivasta@nazgul.ecs.umass.edu (Manoj Srivastava) (03/28/91)


       I was   compiling a "third party software"  when I came across a
 reference to ualarm (int  arg),  and apparently,  from the context, it
 generates  a   signal (unix   SIGALARM)    after   arg   microseconds.
 unfortunately, my machine  has no such  beast, the closest it comes to
 is  alarm (unsigned arg),  which  takes an  arg    in seconds.  Is  it
 possible to get the sources of  any  such implementation, or  would it
 be too hardware dependent?  I am running ULTRIX v.4.1  on a DECstation
 5000/200  (MIPS  Architecture).  Any     advice/ pointers   shall   be

	Thanks in advance.

		manoj srivastava
                Department of ece, umass amherst
ps. I'm directing follow ups to comp.unix.questions, as that may be
the most appropiate place for this. ms.