[comp.lang.c] Advanced C courses on offer?

ok@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Richard A. O'Keefe) (05/08/91)

Are there any individuals or outfits offering advanced C courses
who either already operate in Melbourne or would be willing to come
to Melbourne to deliver a course?

When I say "advanced", I _do_ mean advanced.  C traps and pitfalls,
certainly.  But also advice about what one should have in one's toolkit
(lex or flex? yacc or bison? use of and differences between dbm, ndbm,
gdbm).  Traps and pitfalls of ANSI; a short outline of what a good C
programmer should know about 1003.1.  Writing portable code (if the
speaker knows MVS and VMS, _I_ would be happy, others would be more
interested in Mac/MSDOS/OS-2/Amiga).  Debugging.  Tools for inspecting
object files.  All that sort of stuff.

Paper mail preferred for this.

Paper mail:
	Richard A. O'Keefe,
	Department of Computer Science,
	Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
	GPO Box 2476V,
	Victoria 3001,

	+ 61 (3) 662-1617


Bad things happen periodically, and they're going to happen to somebody.
Why not you?					-- John Allen Paulos.