[comp.lang.c] C-Refine preprocessor available

prechelt@i41s14.ira.uka.de (Lutz Prechelt) (05/27/91)

C-Refine is available for anonymous ftp now from
  iraun1.ira.uka.de []
-rw-r--r--  1 ftpadm   XLINK       70398 May 14 13:25 crefine.tar.Z

It will soon be posted to comp.sources.unix also.

C-Refine is a preprocessor for programs written in C or C++ or a similar
language. It introduces an additional language construct called 'refinement'
which allows further decomposition with symbolic names inside functions.
This makes programs much easier to read and modify and is very comfortable
for programming.

The system consists of a single executable file (crefine) and one
Unix Manualpage (crefine.1). No further data files or libraries
except the standard C library are needed.


Lutz Prechelt   (++49/721/608-4317,  FAX: ++49/721/697760)
Institut fuer Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation
Universitaet Karlsruhe;  D-7500 Karlsruhe 1;  Germany
prechelt@ira.uka.de  or  prechelt!ira.uka.de@relay.csnet