[comp.lang.c] Summary of responses to prior art on "long long" type

hays@ssd.intel.com (Kirk Hays) (06/19/91)

Here is the summary of responses to my question on prior art on the "long long"
type, mentioned in the ANSI standard.

Everyone seems to be in step but Compass [Compass take note!  Your printf/scanf
formats for "long long" appears to be in disagreement with everyone else's
convention, as well as the ANSI standard, section]


>I am looking for prior art in the consistent implementation of the "long long"
>data type.
>In our compiler, we currently support the following types and sizes:
>char - 8 bits
>short - 16 bits
>int - 32 bits
>long - 32 bits
>we want to add:
>long long - 64 bits.
>I am looking for companies that have already added "long long" to their
>datatypes, and their solutions to:
>- suffixes for constants
>- format designator(s) for *printf and *scanf families

The answer that everybody agrees on is:
	LL (upper or lower case) for constants
	%lld for printf/scanf.  
This is what gcc does, what convex does, and what we (MIPS) are in 
the process of doing.  Also, there was recently a meeting between 
MIPS, Sun, IBM, ATT and HaL about 64-bit conventions, and we all 
agreed about the use of long long and associated syntax (where we 
didn't agree is what happens when you move to 64-bit addresses).
I'm not sure if there will be any future meetings of that group, but
if you are interested in participating you should contact [name]
who organized the meeting.


how about a standard suffix for unsigned long long constants - is it 

Check your ANSI manual (I assume this will ANSI-compliant?).
U is already used for unsigned, L for long, together they mean
unsigned long; when you combine u with ll, you get unsigned long long.

	and likewise for printf/scanf formats?

Again, the language takes care of this; ll applies like l to the
following conversion specifier.


I don't know about any prior art, but if you look in the archives of comp.lang.c
beginning in April, you will find quite a bit of commentary about that very


Check out GNU CC, I think it already does a "long long" integer type.


Our compiler [Convex] has supported long long for at least the last three years.

>- suffixes for constants

If a constant ends in LL or ll the compiler will take it as a long long int.
Also if an constant integral constant is greater then LONG_MAX or ULONG_MAX,
the constant type is promoted to long long or unsigned long long, 

>- format designator(s) for *printf and *scanf families

LL and ll are also used by scanf and printf family of routines to indicate
that the length of the argument to interpert is a long long int.

I also believe that gcc now support a long long type. How the handle this
I don't know.



GNU CC has long long.  It uses LL for constants.  There is no 
GNU C library yet; I don't know what they will do there.


The Compass C compiler supports 64-bit integer quantities.  The
salient language features are:

	type specifier:  long long
	constant suffix:  LL and ULL
	format designators:  %Ld, %Lu, etc.


Look at gcc.  I had some peripheral exprience with the long long type,
mostly to the extent that "... don't worry about <x> unless you plan
on using long longs"... etc.


GCC implements "long long" (and might have invented it).  The source
is available from prep.ai.mit.edu, directory pub/gnu, file gcc<something>.tar.Z
Since GCC usually uses the host's existing C libraries, I don't know how
they could have added a printf format, but there might be something they use for

(I don't use GCC myself, just passing on info I picked up in the wind.)


The most popular one is probably the GNU C compiler.  It doesn't come
with a C library, at least not that I've seen, so they didn't address
printf/scanf issues.  

I believe Convex also uses long long.


Get the Convex compiler manuals.


I think this point has been made already, but I would make sure
that all of {char, short, int, long} refer to distinct types
before contemplating the invention of a fifth type.  In other
words, use "plain" long as your 64-bit type.

I am well aware of the prevalence of badly-written code which
might be "broken" (even though it's already broken) by such an

Kirk Hays - NRA Life.
Message for Timothy Fay - "Do not eat/wear/exploit things you will not kill."