bobc@hrcca.UUCP (Bob V. Kemp) (01/06/87)
I have seen ads for FTL Modula 2 sold by Workman and Associates, and a local BBS advertises TURBO Modula 2 by Borland, both for CP/M. I am very impressed with TURBO Pascal, and TURBO Modula has been rumored for years. Does anyone have experience with, or knowledge about these or any other Modula 2 compilers for CP/M? Thanks in advance, Bob Kemp
ncc6933@ritcv.UUCP (Norm Crowfoot) (01/08/87)
In article <438@hrcca.UUCP> bobc@hrcca.UUCP (Bob V. Kemp) writes: >I have seen ads for FTL Modula 2 sold by Workman and Associates, >and a local BBS advertises TURBO Modula 2 by Borland, both for CP/M. ... >Does anyone have experience with, or knowledge about these or any >other Modula 2 compilers for CP/M? Just today I had in my hand the Borland book for their M2, it's real and you can order it and the interpreter/compiler from *real* people. Catch is that Borland isn't selling it! The "Borland Turbo" M2 was developed by an outside s/w house and is being sold by them. Name escape's me, but it's right there on the cover, along with Borland. Check out the recent BYTE's for Ciarcia's pieces on his new computer -- there is a reference to this s/w house. I did inspect the manual, over lunch. The M2 is apparently a variation of the M2M interpreter, though there is mention of producing assembler code. There are two versions, one for the Z80 (CP/M) and another for the new Ciarcia board. An editor and linker are supplied. COM files may be produced. We could not tell is the asm output could be ROMable or not. Will know more shortly as the owner puts it up on his Z80, CP/M machine.
samlb@well.UUCP (Samuel B. Bassett) (01/11/87)
[] I have a copy of FTL Modula for CP/M, and it works as advertised, but . . . . . . 1) It is written to adhere to Wirth's _THIRD_ edition of the manual, which has a _lot_ of differences from the _Second_ edition, which most other Modulas adhere to. 2) It has a non-standard library, which makes for some severe portability problems. Modules which compile fine in Volition (UCSD p-System), Logitech, and TURBO CP/M Modula-2, _don't_ in FTL without changes. I also have a copy of Borland's Turbo M2 (available from Echelon, Inc., 835 N. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos CA 94022; (415) 948-3820), and it is as nice in every way as their Pascal, and nicer in that you can build much bigger programs. It is about $70.00 (they take plastic money). . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sam'l Bassett, Self-Employed Writer -- My words & ideas are my own! 34 Oakland Ave., San Anselmo CA 94960; DDD: (415) 454-7282; / dual\ UUCP: {...known world...}! lll-crg!well!samlb; Compuserve: 71735,1776; \hplabs/