K538911@CZHRZU1A.BITNET (03/17/87)
This is private mail, sorry for sending it over the net (hope I'll find another path) --------------------------------------------------------- Subj: RT-11 Modula Mr. Bellin, I've tried to send notes directly to you (W.Bellin@RDG.AC.UK) Please let me know, if you did not receive them (answer direct or via the Modula-SIG). --------------------------------------------------------------- Patrik Eschle E-Mail : K538911@CZHRZU1A.BITNET Private : Winterthurerstr. 529, CH-8051 Zuerich (Switzerland) Phone : 1-40 72 39 Institute : Physikinstitut der Universitaet Zuerich Schoenberggasse 9, CH-8001 Zuerich Phone : 1-257 29 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------