[comp.lang.modula2] Upcoming US meetings of interest to Modulans

randy@oresoft.UUCP (Randy Bush) (02/29/88)

March meeting of IEEE/P1151 and US TAG  -  21-23 March 88

The second combined meeting of IEEE/P1151 and the US TAG.  There will be
room for 20-30 people.  Please notify Randy Bush if you plan to attend.

Hotel Ibis, 101 International Boulevard, Atlanta, Georgia.  $68/day plus
tax ($49 for single room and full breakfast, plus $19 for meeting room,
lunch, and breaks).  Attendees not staying in the hotel will need to pay
$19/day separately.  $10 for an extra person in room.  Meeting 9:00-5:30.

Reservations: (800) 535-0707; the meeting name is "IEEE Modula-2" or try
"Georgia State".  Airport Shuttle: leaves every 30 minutes ($7 one-way or
$12 round-trip).  Hotel Ibis is the first stop in downtown Atlanta.


August meetings of Modula-2 groups  (TENTATIVE ARRANGEMENTS)

Three Modula-2 meetings will be held at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood near
Portland, Oregon US during the last two weeks of August 1988.

15-17 August  -  IEEE/P1151 & US TAG on Modula-2

The third combined meeting of P1151 and the US TAG.  P1151 members and US
TAG members are invited.  There will be room for 20-30 people.  Please
notify Randy Bush, (503) 245-2202, if you plan to attend.

18-19 August  -  Modus, the Modula-2 Users' Association

This will be the fifth general technical meeting of Modus, and the third in
the US.  All Modus members and other Modulans are welcome.  Please contact
Modus to register, as space is being held for 40-50.  Technical papers,
technical talks, discussion groups, and fora are being solicited by Jon
Bondy, PO Box 148, Ardmore, PA 19003, (215) 642-1057.

22-26 August  -  ISO/JTC1/SC22/WG13 ISO Working Group on Modula-2

WG13 will meet for the third time, the first in the US.  WG13 members are
invited.  Please register with Roger Henry, ISO Convenor, Dept. of Computer
Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham  NG7 2RD, UK.  Space is  held
for 25-30.  US TAG representation to this meeting will be chosen at the
March P1151 meeting in Atlanta, as a courtesy to the ISO convenors. 


Timberline Lodge is 6,000 feet up an 11,000 foot mountain.  You can camp
within reasonable driving distance, or stay at the lodge.  There are no
other facilities for a long distance.  Food at the lodge is rather good.

Cost is $76.85 / day double, and $102.30 single, which includes three
meals, gratuities and taxes, conference room, etc.  There will be no other
charges.  Please reserve your own rooms at Timberline, unless you're coming
from overseas and would like assistance.  They will only hold the rooms as
a block until 15 June 88.

Timberline Lodge is over an hour from the Portland airport, ride-sharing is
encouraged, and our local hosts have offered to organize and help provide
transportation to and from the airport.  The address for hotel reservations
    Timberline Lodge
    Timberline, Oregon  US-97028
    +1 (503) 226-7979
randy%oresoft.uucp@tektronix.tek.com                     FidoNet:1:105/6.6
randy%oresoft.uucp%tektronix.tek.com@relay.cs.net        +1 (503) 245-2202