BOTCHAIR@UOGUELPH.BITNET (Alex Bewley) (05/25/88)
Has anyone seen a procedure that takes record size and length and calculates the 'high' and 'low' variables required by pc-dos (or ms-dos). It was in a book with a blue cover, was written by two people and was published in Waterloo, Canada. I remember various parts of the procedure but not the essential parts. For those who don't know what I am talking about... When randomly jumping around in files, dos requires an absolute position in the file in the form of two cardinals. One of them, 'low', specifies where the pointer is to go in a 64K block of the file. The other, 'high', specifies which 64K block of the file to point to. The files that I am jumping around in are just lists of records. The procedure that I need takes the record I want to access and the size of the record and calculates the appropriate 'high' and 'low' value. Here's the fragment that I remember. PROCEDURE CalcPos( RecNo : CARDINAL; RecSize : CARDINAL; VAR High : CARDINAL; VAR Low : CARDINAL); CONST MAXCARD = 65535; (* that's all *) Any help would be really appreciated. I am using Logitech's v3.0 compiler. Alex