[comp.lang.modula2] Modula-2 I/O Library

rbh@computer-science.nottingham.ac.UK (Roger Henry) (09/01/88)

Several recent messages have asked about the state of the proposed standard
I/O library for Modula-2.

The ISO Working Group on Modula-2 (... WG13) had its third meeting in Oregon
USA at the end of August.  The BSI group (IST/5/13), which is drafting the
standard, made proposals modified from those previously distributed to the
net. This is because at the second meeting in Nice, France in
January, it was agreed that a "top layer" with the "look and feel" of the
I/O described in Programming in Modula-2 was required and that the BSI proposals
for input predicates should be modified so that they do not have the side
effect of causing input.

Subject to a few minor changes, WG13 agreed to the proposals made at Oregon.
The BSI group is meeting on Friday 2nd September when these changes will
be reviewed. It is hoped that revised definition modules will be available
within the next month.  At that time, a paper will be circulated to WG13
members for comment and I shall undertake to distribute the def mods to the

Roger Henry
Convenor of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 WG13

Department of Computer Science
University of Nottingham
University Park
(+44) 602 484848 ext 2855