[comp.lang.modula2] Modula 2 for Macs - CS instruction

doug@bear.cis.ohio-state.edu (Doug Kerr) (11/29/88)

We would like to switch our introductory programming courses from
Pascal to Modula 2.  These courses are now taught on Mac Pluses with a
single floppy and use MacPascal.  We are looking for a good Mac-like
Modula 2 which will run on the same hardware.  We would prefer not to
upgrade the hardware at this time, but will consider that alternative
if we have to.  We could get second floppies for all the Macs or small
file servers for small groups of Macs.  We will NOT be able to afford
hard disks for each of the Macs.  The Macs are used only in a two
quarter introductory sequence.  All more advanced courses use Suns.
Thus we don't have to worry about very large programs.

Thanks mainly to Dennis Cohen of Claris Corp., we know something about
the following

      MacMeth (Modula Corp., Provo UT) 

      TDI Modula-2 (TDI, Dallas TX) 

      MetCom Modula-2 (Metropolitan Comp. Sys., Montreal PQ)

      MacLogimoPlus (Shareware, Tim Myers, somewhere in UT) --
       based upon the ETHZ compiler.

The following run under MPW, therefore requiring a hard disk.  They are
therefore not acceptable to us.


      SemperSoft Modula-2 (Semper Software, Glen Ellyn IL)

      TML Modula-2 (TML Systems, Jacksonville FL -- written by Bob Campbell)

We would appreciate any recommendations on any of these systems and on
any others that we are not aware of.

Reply by email and I will summarize.
 Douglas S. Kerr, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 doug@cis.ohio-state.edu                    614/292-1519