nomei@pfm.UUCP (Norbert Meissner) (05/12/89)
Just today arrived a letter from A+L AG my home. They told me that they are now cooperating with Buehler Systemtechnik. The Modula-Tools from Buehler are now available for Topspeed-Modula and content generators for masks,menus and forms and the i/o procedures for this stuff. Also they content Modules for all Problems of programming and fast Graphic-Routines for all Graphic- Adapters. All Modules are delivered with the complete source. If you want, you can order 7 (!) Demo-Disks for DM/SFr 28. Together, not each. The Adress: A+L AG, CH-8906 Bonnstetten, Im Spaeten 23 Gruss Norbert