[comp.lang.modula2] modula2 compiler for Ultrix

andy@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Andy Bond) (09/07/89)

I am trying to convince some people to move our second year computer
science courses into a Un*x environment.  The only problem with this
is the availability of a cheapish (free??) modula2 compiler for some
ultrix boxes.  Ideally, it would also run on some/all of
	* HP-UX for HP300 and HP800 series
	* More/bsd for HP300's
	* SunOS 4.0 for Sun3's
Source for such a compiler would be brilliant (of course) ...

Anyone have any information which might help??  I'll summarize if
there is any interest.

FYI, at the moment we have a Modula-2 for VMS by Fachbereich
Informatik and Modula-2 for HPUX (680X0) by Miele Datentechnik.

Internet: andy@comp.vuw.ac.nz      |    Andy Bond, Dept. of Computer Science
UUCP:     ...!uunet!vuwcomp!andy   |    Victoria University
Phone:    (04) 721-000 ext. 8144   |    P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand
		 parachuting ... the only way to fall