[comp.lang.modula2] NEW orderform for MOCKA

vollmer@gmdka.UUCP (Juergen Vollmer) (03/19/90)

Please use this NEW form for ordering the Karlsruhe Modula-2 system 'MOCKA'.

Juergen Vollmer
GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your interest in our Modula-2 compiler system MOCKA.

The compiler is now available for

    system       | operating system    |   processor         | 2i
    DEC Station  | ULTRIX              | R3000, R2000        |
    SUN 3        | SUN OS              | MC 68020 with 68881 |  *
    PCS Cadmus   | UNIX                | MC 68020 with 68881 |
    VAX          | UNIX (BSD) / ULTRIX | VAX                 |  *
    VAX          | VMS                 | VAX                 |  *
    Transputer   | Without own O.S. but| T800, T414          |
		 | with access of UNIX |                     |
		 | from a host computer|                     |

The compilers marked with "*" are distributed for commerical usage by
   2i Industrial Informatics, Haierweg 20 e,D-7800 Freiburg.
They also provide maintenance and support.

If you are interested in the MOCKA system, please sign the order form below 
and return it to me.

Note that the MIPS and TRANSPUTER compilers are beta testing versions.
Please indicate on the order form if you want to get the beta
test version or if you would like to wait for the next version.
Beta testers can later get an updated version, but have to pay
for the tape and shipment or have to send an empty tape.

Yours sincerely
Juergen Vollmer

GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1 
Germany (West)

Phone: *-49-721-66 22 14
FAX:   *-49-721-66 22 96 8
email: vollmer@karlsruhe.gmd.dbp.de
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD)
- Research Center at the University of Karlsruhe -
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1
Germany (West)

Phone: *-49-721-66 22 0         FAX: *-49-721-66 22 96 8


(subsequently called Licencee)

Address / phone / email of the Licencee

herewith orders a copy of the GMD MODULA SYSTEM (MOCKA)
according to the following conditions.

1. Target system
Mark one of the systems:

   _____   DEC station/MIPS R3000/R2000
   _____   SUN/3   (MC 68020 / 68881)
   _____   PCS     (MC 68020 / 68881)
   _____   VAX/VMS
   _____   VAX/ULTRIX
   _____   Transputer (T800)

2. Usage
Mark the intended usage of MOCKA:

   _____   commercial
   _____   university

3. System
The system comprises

(1) A binary object program of MOCKA, a compiler, module-binder and
    command shell with integrated make-facility.

(2) A collection of library modules in source form for input/output,
    storage management, mathematical functions.

(3) Manual pages and installation notes.

The compiler accepts the language Modula-2 as defined in: N. Wirth,
Programming in Modula-2, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985.

(page 1 of 2)

4. License
- The licencer (GMD Karlsruhe) retains the ownership and copyright for 
  software and documentation.
- The Licencee has no right to sell or give the system to third parties.
- The Licencee obtains the right to use and distribute the library modules 
  as part of its Modula-2 programs.
- The Licencee has the right to use the system for the purpose of research 
  and education only.
- For "university usage": The Licencee has not the right to use the system 
  for direct commercial advantage. The system may be installed on each 
  workstation within the university.
- For "commercial usage": Licences are required for each CPU, on which MOCKA 
  should is used (this includes file server in a diskless node 
  configuration too).

5. Maintenance
GMD has no obligation to maintain the system, nor to provide
customer support and service. GMD does not assume any responsibility for 
the use and reliability of the system.

6. Special 
MOCKA on DEC stations and Transputer:
These are beta test versions. Please inform us about comiler errors.

7.  Licence Fees
Universities: US $ 250
Commercial:   US $ 2000

(Date, Signature)