gge@CXA.DARESBURY.AC.UK ("G. J. Baker") (03/22/90)
TO: Matt Seitz,
I seem to remember trying to mail you on this subject before, it obviously
did not get through so apologies to everyone else for the global posting.
I use FTL MODULA-2 on my ST and have had no problems from either the
package or the support here in the UK (Dave Nutkins at Hisoft Ltd). I am
afraid that I don't know who distributes this package in the states.
Hope this helps
Gareth J.Baker | Post: S.E.R.C., | Daresbury Laboratories,
EARN/ | Warrington, WA4 4AD, | U.K.
| Phone +44 925 603586 (Tim Larson) (03/22/90)
In article <>, gge@CXA.DARESBURY.AC.UK ("G. J. Baker") says: > >TO: Matt Seitz, >I seem to remember trying to mail you on this subject before, it obviously >did not get through so apologies to everyone else for the global posting. >I use FTL MODULA-2 on my ST and have had no problems from either the >package or the support here in the UK (Dave Nutkins at Hisoft Ltd). I am >afraid that I don't know who distributes this package in the states. > If it's the same people that make the MS-DOS FTL Modula-2 then the distributor is: Workman & Associates 1925 E. Mountain Pasadena, CA 91104-4016 (818)791-7979 (Voice or FAX) Cheers! -Tim Larson trl3@psuvm.bitnet (Claus Priisholm) (03/26/90)
Matt Seitz writes: > If TDI is belly up and noone is taking over support for it, any >reccommendations for a Modula-2 compiler (or interpreter, if one exists) >for the Atari ST? There are two german products: SPC Modula-2 by advanced applications Viczena GmbH. Unfortunately I have no idea of their address (BTW SPC stands for single pass compiler - so if you dislike FORWARD statements forget about it) Ha(umlaut)nisch Modula-2 Available through Schwab Software Obermarkstrasse 72 D-4600 Dortmund 30 Tel.: (++49) 231/48 64 60 This is a FAST two-pass compiler (3.5 sek for a little 400 lines program using a harddisk, link-time for the same program = 6.5 sek). The produced code is also fast (the best from any modula-2 for the ST). Prices start at about 300 DM, mail me for further info. Besides I bought their compiler, I am not connected with Schwab Software. Claus Priisholm Aalborg University Centre Denmark E-mail: Disclaimer: I speaks for myself...