klarich@a.cs.okstate.edu (Terry Klarich) (03/20/90)
A while back, a grammar for Modula-2 was posted. Now that I am ready to look at it,Ican't seem to find it are. If you can help an any way, please let me know. Thanks for the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terry Klarich (klarich@a.cs.okstate.edu) n5hts A man is not complete until he is married then, he is finished.
Pat.Terry@p101.f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org (Pat Terry) (03/23/90)
> A while back, a grammar for Modula-2 was posted. N
That was probably by me. It was the draft proposal for standardisation
version. Shall I post it again privately, or publically?
Because of the delays in getting to this group, you may have had an answer
from closer to you. Let me know.
uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!5!494!4.101!Pat.Terry
Internet: Pat.Terry@p101.f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org
post it publicly.
klarich@a.cs.okstate.edu (Terry Klarich) (03/28/90)
First thanks to all those who responded to my original pley for a Modula-2 grammar. I think it should be posted again. I have received many requests for it already. So, if you can I sure would consider posting it for everyone's benifit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terry Klarich (klarich@a.cs.okstate.edu) n5hts A man is not complete until he is married then, he is finished.
Pat.Terry@p101.f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org (Pat Terry) (04/05/90)
> First thanks to all those who responded to my original pley for a Modula-2 > grammar. I think it should be posted again. Okay. It may come in two pieces because of local limits on message size; COLLECTED MODULA-2 CONCRETE SYNTAX This version compiled 1 January 1990 by Pat Terry, from D106, appendix A of the Draft Proposal for Modula-2 and may not be 100% accurate. Any errors are, of course, unintentional It will not mean anything to claim conformance with this at this stage. WG13 on Modula-2 invites comments (although I believe these should have been in by 2nd April) A.1 Programs and Compilation Units A.1.1 Programs compilation unit = program module | definition module | implementation module ; A.1.2 Program Modules program module = "MODULE", module identifier, [ protection ], ";", import lists, module block, module identifier, "." ; module identifier = identifier ; protection = "[", constant expression, "]" ; constant expression = expression ; A.1.3 Definition Modules definition module = "DEFINITION", "MODULE", module identifier, ";", import lists, definitions, "END", module identifier, "." ; A.1.4 Implementation Modules implementation module = "IMPLEMENTATION", "MODULE", module identifier, [ protection ], ";", import lists, module block, module identifier, "." ; A.1.5 Module Blocks module block = declarations, [ "BEGIN", statement sequence ], "END" ; A.1.6 Import Lists import lists = { import list } ; import list = simple import | unqualified import ; A.1.6.1 Simple Imports simple import = "IMPORT", identifier list, ";" ; A.1.6.2 Unqualified Imports unqualified import = "FROM", module identifier, "IMPORT", identifier list, ";"; A.1.7 Export Lists export list = unqualified export | qualified export ; A.1.7.1 Unqualified Exports unqualified export = "EXPORT", identifier list, ";" ; A.1.7.2 Qualified Exports qualified export = "EXPORT", "QUALIFIED", identifier list, ";" ; A.2 Definitions and Declarations A.2.1 Definitions definitions = { definition } ; definition = "CONST", { constant declaration, ";" } | "TYPE", { type definition, ";" } | "VAR", { variable declaration, ";" } | procedure heading, ";" ; type definition = type declaration | opaque type definition ; procedure heading = proper procedure heading | function procedure heading ; opaque type definition = identifier ; A.2.2 Declarations declarations = { declaration } ; declaration = "CONST", { constant declaration, ";" } | "TYPE", { type declaration, ";" } | "VAR", { variable declaration, ";" } | procedure declaration, ";" | module declaration, ";" ; A.2.3 Constant Declarations constant declaration = identifier, "=", constant expression ; A.2.4 Type Declarations type declaration = identifier, "=", type ; A.2.5 Variable Declarations variable declaration = variable identifier list, ":", type ; variable identifier list = identifier, [ machine address ], { ",", identifier, [ machine address ] } ; machine address= "[", value of machine address or address type, "]" ; value of machine address or address type = constant expression ; A.2.6 Types type = type identifier | new type ; type identifier = qualified identifier ; A.2.7 New Types new type = enumeration type | subrange type | set type | pointer type | procedure type | array type | record type ; A.2.7.1 Enumeration Types enumeration type = "(", identifier list, ")" ; identifier list = identifier, { ",", identifier } ; A.2.7.2 Subrange Types subrange type = [ range type ], "[", constant expression, "..", constant expression, "]" ; range type = ordinal type identifier ; A.2.7.3 Set Types set type = "SET", "OF", base type ; base type = ordinal type ; ordinal type = qualified identifier | enumeration type | subrange type; ordinal type identifier = type identifier ; A.2.7.4 Pointer Types pointer type = "POINTER", "TO", bound type ; bound type = type ; A.2.7.5 Procedure Types procedure type = proper procedure type | function procedure type ; proper procedure type = "PROCEDURE", [ formal parameter type list ] ; function procedure type = "PROCEDURE", formal parameter type list , function result ; function result = ":", type identifier ; formal parameter type list = "(", [ formal parameter type, { ",", formal parameter type } ], ")" ; formal parameter type = variable formal type | value formal type ; variable formal type = "VAR", formal type ; value formal type = formal type ; formal type = { "ARRAY", "OF" }, type identifier ; A.2.7.6 Array Types array type = "ARRAY", index type, { ",", index type } , "OF", component type ; index type = ordinal type ; component type = type ; A.2.7.7 Record Types record type = "RECORD", [ field list ], "END" ; field list = fields, { ";", fields } ; fields = fixed fields | variant fields ; fixed fields = identifier list, ":", type ; variant fields = "CASE", [ tag identifier ], ":", tag type, "OF", variant, { "|", variant }, [ "ELSE", field list ], "END" ; tag identifier = identifier ; tag type = ordinal type identifier ; variant = [ case label list, ":", field list ] ; case label list = case label, { ",", case label } ; case label = constant expression, [ "..", constant expression ] ; A.2.8 Procedure Declarations procedure declaration = proper procedure declaration | function procedure declaration ; A.2.8.1 Proper Procedure Declarations proper procedure declaration = proper procedure heading, ";", ("FORWARD" | proper procedure block, procedure identifier) ; procedure identifier = identifier ; A.2.8.2 Proper Procedure Headings proper procedure heading = "PROCEDURE", procedure identifier, [ formal parameter list ] ; formal parameter list = "(", [ formal parameter, { ";", formal parameter } ], ")" ; A.2.8.3 Proper Procedure Block proper procedure block = declarations, [ "BEGIN", statement sequence ], "END" ; A.2.8.4 Function Procedure Declarations function procedure declaration = function procedure heading, ";", ("FORWARD" | function procedure block, procedure identifier) ; A.2.8.5 Function Procedure Headings function procedure heading = "PROCEDURE", procedure identifier, formal parameter list, function result ; A.2.8.6 Function Procedure Block function procedure block = declarations, "BEGIN", statement sequence , "END" ; +++++ Note: this may be a typographical error. Wirth had function procedure block = declarations, [ "BEGIN", statement sequence ], "END" ; +++++ however, a function procedure MUST have a RETURN statement. A.2.8.7 Parameters formal parameter = value parameter specification | variable parameter specification ; value parameter specification = identifier list, ":", formal type ; variable parameter specification = "VAR", identifier list, ":", formal type ; A.2.9 Module Declarations module declaration = "MODULE", module identifier, [ protection ], ";", { import lists }, [ export list ], module block, module identifier, "." ; +++++ Note this may be a typographical error. All that is needed is module declaration = "MODULE", module identifier, [ protection ], ";", import lists , [ export list ], module block, module identifier, "." ; +++++ the {} is already present in the production for import lists in A.1.6 A.3 Statements statement = empty statement | assignment statement | procedure call | return statement | with statement | if statement | case statement | while statement | repeat statement | loop statement | exit statement | for statement ; A.3.1 Statement Sequences statement sequence = statement, { ";", statement } ; A.3.2 Empty Statements empty statement = ; A.3.3 Assignment Statements assignment statement = variable designator, assignment operator, expression ; assignment operator =":=" ; A.3.4 Procedure Calls procedure call = procedure designator, [ actual parameters ] ; procedure designator = value designator ; actual parameters = "(", [ actual parameter list ], ")" ; actual parameter list = actual parameter, { ",", actual parameter } ; actual parameter = variable designator | expression | type parameter ; type parameter = type identifier ; A.3.5 Return Statements return statement = simple return statement | function return statement ; A.3.5.1 Simple Return Statements simple return statement = "RETURN" ; A.3.5.2 Function Return Statements function return statement = "RETURN", expression ; A.3.6 With Statements with statement = "WITH", record designator, "DO", statement sequence, "END" ; record designator = variable designator | value designator ; A.3.7 If Statements if statement = guarded statements, [ "ELSE", statement sequence ], "END" ; guarded statements = "IF", Boolean expression, "THEN", statement sequence, { "ELSIF", Boolean expression, "THEN", statement sequence } ; Boolean expression = expression ; A.3.8 Case Statements case statement = "CASE", case selector, "OF", case, { " | ", case }, [ "ELSE", statement sequence ], "END" ; case selector = ordinal expression ; case = [ case label list, ":", statement sequence ] ; +++++ Note that the productions case label list = case label, { ",", case label } ; case label = constant expression, [ "..", constant expression ] ; +++++ have already been given in A.2.7.7 A.3.9 While statements while statement = "WHILE", Boolean expression, "DO", statement sequence, "END" ; A.3.10 Repeat Statements repeat statement = "REPEAT", statement sequence, "UNTIL", Boolean expression ; A.3.11 Loop Statements loop statement = "LOOP", statement sequence, "END" ; A.3.12 Exit Statements exit statement = "EXIT" ; A.3.13 For Statements for statement = "FOR", control variable, assignment operator, initial value, "TO", final value, [ "BY", step value], "DO", statement sequence, "END" ; -- uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!5!494!4.101!Pat.Terry Internet: Pat.Terry@p101.f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org