[comp.lang.modula2] SPARC-Oberon

templ@inf.ethz.ch (Josef Templ) (05/25/90)

This posting announces that ETH Zuerich has implemented the Oberon system and
compiler for Sun's SPARC workstation. The Oberon system runs on top of the
SUN/OS as a process. The compiler produces efficient object code and is quite
fast. (The compiler compiles itself in 9 seconds on a Sparcstation-1.)

For further information, readers should contact Sepp Templ at ETH (e-mail:

Posted by Chuck Lins
Apple Computer, Inc.
"Self-proclaimed Object-Oberon evangelist"

(Maybe this will encourage Sepp to add Object Oberon extensions to his compiler.)

templ@inf.ethz.ch (Josef Templ) (10/24/90)

I would like to announce the availability of SPARC-Oberon release 1.2 .
It may be received via anonymous ftp on host
The readme files give further information.

There is also new mailing list for distributing Oberon news and
for communication between Oberon users.
To subscribe to this mailing list (oberon@inf.ethz.ch) send a mail
to templ@inf.ethz.ch .

Josef Templ, ETH Zurich

88132293@BRUFSC.BITNET (10/25/90)

  How can i acess it ?

    Marcos Macedo

borchert@MATHEMATIK.UNI-ULM.DE (Andreas Borchert) (10/26/90)

>   How can i acess it ?
>     Marcos Macedo
>   88132293@BREFUSC

If you have direct access to the Internet via anonymous ftp from

       neptune.inf.ethz.ch (
or     titania.mathematik.uni-ulm.de (

Else you can use BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET, a mailserver which allows you to
access any ftp-site on the internet.

| Andreas Borchert, Universitaet Ulm, SAI, Oberer Eselsberg, D-7900 Ulm       |
| PHONE:    (+49) 731-176-2520                                                |
| Internet: borchert@mathematik.uni-ulm.de                                    |
| BITNET:   borchert@dulruu51                                                 |
| EAN/DFN:  borchert@rz.uni-ulm.dbp.de                                        |