low@melair.UUCP (Rick Low) (12/02/90)
Here's a random number generator that I ported to FST Modula-2 a while ago from the book 'Numerical Recipes in C'. -----------------------RANDOM.DEF cut here------------------------ (* Random -- generate uniformly distributed random numbers *) DEFINITION MODULE Random; (* Ran1 -- return a uniform random deviate in [0.0, 1.0) *) PROCEDURE Ran1(VAR Idum : INTEGER) : REAL; END Random. -----------------------RANDOM.MOD cut here----------------------- (* Random -- generate uniform random numbers in [0.0, 1.0) *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Random; (* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * DESCRIPTION: * This random number generator is a translation into Modula-2 * of the routine ran1() in * * Press, W.H., B.T. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, and W.T. Vetterling, * "Numerical Recipes in C -- The Art of Scientific Programming", * New York, Cambridge University Press, 1988. *--------------------------------------------------------------- *) FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString; FROM LMathLib0 IMPORT real, entier; FROM System IMPORT ErrorMessage, ErrorLn, Terminate; CONST M1 = 259200; IA1 = 7141L; IC1 = 54773L; RM1 = (1.0/FLOAT(M1)); M2 = 134456; IA2 = 8121L; IC2 = 28411L; RM2 = (1.0/FLOAT(M2)); M3 = 243000; IA3 = 4561L; IC3 = 51349L; VAR iff : INTEGER; ix1, ix2, ix3 : LONGINT; r : ARRAY [0..97] OF REAL; (* Ran1 -- return a uniform random deviate in [0.0, 1.0) *) PROCEDURE Ran1(VAR Idum : INTEGER) : REAL; VAR j : INTEGER; temp : REAL; BEGIN (* Initialize on first call, even if Idum is not negative. *) IF (Idum < 0) OR (iff = 0) THEN iff := 1; (* Seed first routine... *) ix1 := (IC1 - LONG(Idum)) MOD M1; ix1 := (IA1 * ix1 + IC1) MOD M1; (* and use it to seed the second ...*) ix2 := ix1 MOD M2; ix1 := (IA1 * ix1 + IC1) MOD M1; (* and third routines. *) ix3 := ix1 MOD M3; (* * Fill the table with sequential uniform deviates * generated by the first two routines. *) FOR j := 1 TO 97 DO ix1 := (IA1 * ix1 + IC1) MOD M1; ix2 := (IA2 * ix2 + IC2) MOD M2; (* Combine low and high order pieces. *) r[j] := SHORT((real(ix1) + real(ix2) * RM2) * RM1); END; Idum := 1; END; (* initialization *) (* * Begin normal (non-initialization) runs here. * Generate the next number for each sequence. *) ix1 := (IA1 * ix1 + IC1) MOD M1; ix2 := (IA2 * ix2 + IC2) MOD M2; ix3 := (IA3 * ix3 + IC3) MOD M3; (* Use the third sequence to get an integer between 1 and 97. *) j := SHORT(1L + (97L * ix3) DIV M3); (* * Handle conditions that should never happen -- limit j to [1,97]. * (Press, et. al. abort with an error message here.) *) IF ( j < 1) OR (j > 97) THEN ErrorMessage('?? Ran1(): panic'); ErrorLn; Terminate(2); END; (* Return the table entry and refill it. *) temp := r[j]; r[j] := SHORT((real(ix1) + real(ix2) * RM2) * RM1); RETURN(temp); END Ran1; (* run-time initialization *) BEGIN (* Random *) iff := 0; END Random. --------------------------cut here--------------------- No guarantees, but it works for me! Rick Low +1 613 957 9500 mitel!melair!low@uunet.uu.net -- Rick Low +1 613 957 9500 mitel!melair!low@uunet.uu.net